Is there any other way to store contact lens if forgot to bring the case and the!


Is there any other way to store contact lens if forgot to bring the case and the solution?

like when we stay over our friends place and we forgot to bring the case out,and there isn't any contact lens solution either.but there is eyedrop.
can i substitute the contact lens solution with eyedrop instead?

or there isn't any other way?

because,i'm in this situation right i won't get the answer right away. argh..guess i just gonna take it out and leave it to dry and surely it goes to the bin tommorow morning?

this can't be happening if i forget the case everytime.gosh.

hopefully someone will have the answer.thanks =)


You can use eyedrops to store them in....or water if you boil it....but you'll need to soak them in the eyedrop solution for five minutes before putting them back in! If you dont have a case, use a bottle top, such as the cap to a 20 oz. coke....but use two of them...keep the contact for the right eye on the right and the left eye on the left...or label them if you'd perfer, but be sure to place them somewhere safe and put a piece of paper or something over them so that dust or germs dont get into the caps.
Trust me....i've wore contact for many...MANY years and have done this on many...MANY occasions!

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