Pathlogical myopia?!


Pathlogical myopia?

I've always been extremely nearsighted. I've been going to the eye doctor yearly and wearing glasses since I was 1 or 2 years old. I think my prescription is -8.5 in one eye and -9.5 in the other. I'm 18 years old now and I was wondering that if I had something like pathological myopia (where your prescription does not plateau after you eyes stop developing) or RP my eye doctor would have told me about it, right? Or I would have known about it by now, right? Thanks in advance.

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1 month ago
I've always been extremely nearsighted. I've been going to the eye doctor yearly and wearing glasses since I was 1 or 2 years old. I think my prescription is -8.5 in one eye and -9.5 in the other. I'm 18 years old now and I was wondering that if I had something like pathological myopia (where your prescription does not plateau after you eyes stop developing) or RP my eye doctor would have told me about it, right? Or I would have known about it by now, right? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: nikiidaniels... myopia is the scientific diagnoses for nearsightedness, sweatheart.


I believe that if your doctor were to diagnose you with pathological myopia, he would have done it by now.

Pathological myopia is a rare type of shortsightedness in which the eyeball continues to elongate. This can happen at any age, but usually affects people between 30 and 40 years old. When this condition is accompanied by choroidal neovascularization, it can be associated with serious impairment of vision and, in some cases, profound vision loss.

One of the first signs of pathological myopia is distortion of central vision, including:
Bending or distortion of straight lines
Altered color perception
Reduced contrast sensitivity
As pathologic myopia progresses, loss of central vision increases:
Making it difficult to read, watch television, drive or recognize faces
Creating a grey or blurred spot in the middle of the visual field
Eventually causing functional blindness, with only some peripheral sight remaining
Pathological myopia can often be detected during routine eye examinations. The condition is diagnosed when eyeball elongation is greater than 26 mm or when your lens prescription exceeds 1–6 diopters. Any patient with pathological myopia should be monitored closely for choroidal neovascularization and retinal detachment.

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