Could you help me understand the "dry eye" disease??!


Could you help me understand the "dry eye" disease??

I am worried about it because the doctor told me it may be an advence syntom of future "artrosis"


In rudimentary terms, our tears are made up of three layers: water, oil and mucous. If you are deficient in one or all you'll have a form of dry eye syndrome. The type you have will determine which treatment is right for you. The conundrum with this condition that I face as an eye doctor is that some people complain mightily and show very few clinical signs....and others display terrible dryness and have not a complaint. Unfortunately, we cannot "cure" the problem, but we can manage the symptoms. The most basic treatments are warm water lid scrubs twice a day and artificial tears a minimum of four times per day. Other options can include prescriptive measures. I'm not certain what your doctor meant by "artrosis", but dry eye can certainly involve an inflammatory component...maybe he meant arthritis as suggested above, but there are many other reasons a person can have dry eye...too many to list, in fact. As a fellow dry-eye sufferer...I feel your pain.

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