An eye twitch lasting 3 weeks could mean what?!


An eye twitch lasting 3 weeks could mean what?


Shanny touched on some of the more common causes. Stress, by far, is the most common cause for these twitches. The nature of the twitch is important. If they occur on both the left and the right sides, then something is probably upsetting your body chemistry. Stress, a change in dietary or sleeping routine, a family matter and some medications can all contribute. The resulting twitches are irregular and spontaneous in nature.

If the twitch is one sided and has gradually become more steady and regular then you should have it evaluated.

Also, if the twitch has a rhythmic pulse to it, then you should see a doctor. If you start to experience blurred vision on the affected side, experience more frequent headaches or see double, then see a doctor NOW!! - that means get to ER if your doctor is sleeping.

If it sounds like it is stress related, have your doctor look at it anyway.

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