Contact Lense Fitting Session.?!


Contact Lense Fitting Session.?

So, I am getting contacts (yay) and I had an appointment for just a full eye screening...and they made another appointment to get contact lense fitting...what exactly is going to happen at said fitting...I'm getting 2 week soft lenses...and thats all i know...


Your eyecare professional will teach you how to insert and remove the lenses PROPERLY. You will also be set up with a wear schedule so your eyes can gradually get adjusted to the lenses. You will be instructed on how to clean and properly care for your lenses. Be sure to ask any questions you may have, trust me we have heard them all! Best of luck to you, and enjoy the freedom of contact lenses (always remember to have a back up pair of glasses-there WILL be times you cannot wear your contact lenses, and will want to be able to see!)

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