Is it normal for your eye to twitch for a week?!

Question: At first it was annoying. Now I'm a little worried. I just quit smoking, I have high amounts of stress, and the sleep I get is minimal.

Everyone else it's something different and obviously it's not working. Is it something I should be worried about?

Answers: At first it was annoying. Now I'm a little worried. I just quit smoking, I have high amounts of stress, and the sleep I get is minimal.

Everyone else it's something different and obviously it's not working. Is it something I should be worried about?

Glad to hear you have quit again :) Seriously, props to you! Can you please teach my dad how to stop now? Haha I'm joking.

Is it serious or just something to put up with? For most people eye twitching is not a serious condition and typically results from excessive fatigue or stress.

Corneal irritation or injury
Lack of sleep
Prolonged staring or eye strain
Neurological disorders
Possibly Hereditary

There isn't exactly a treatment for occasional eye twitching, nor do you need it. It's very simple, you can go to your doctor and see if there is any remedies that are available to help sooth and relax the muscles. (I'd rec commend a Naturopathic if there is one in your area. Rather than swallowing antibiotics they'll down your immune system) More sleep can also help relieve stress and anxiety. Even just if you are watching TV and you have catnaps. Catnaps are better than nothing!

If you find it's hard to fall asleep, try thinking of something you can incorporate into your everyday to help you become tired by the time you need to go to bed. Even simply by going out for a run or working out.

Good luck! :)

I don't know for sure, but when I don't get enough sleep, my eye starts to twitch too for a bit. I don't think it's something to worry about--it's probably just your body's reaction to the stresses of withdrawal and little sleep.

Thank you for QUITING!

You sound stressed and having withdrawl, but keep it up you're doing the right thing.

If you're having any kind of serious problems go see the doctor.

Not exactly normal, but incredibly common for people stressed or fatigued.

The right but not often helpful answer is "try to develop a more relaxed lifestyle"

It can be associated with marginally reduced potassium levels: try fresh tomato juice or bananas for a good potassium source.


it's all about not getting enough sleep and stress.

to confirm your issue, eye twitching, thumb and pinky twitching are the most common places to twitch. they are more bothersome than harmful.

that's not true. everyone pretty much told you that it's from lack of sleep.. i remember and it probably is... or from the fact that you've actually quit smoking.... PLEASE don't start smoking cigarettes again. please, please, please...

I had this for several months this year and it eased about 6 weeks ago. It had started to annoy me and I felt as though everyone could see it. I put it down to looking at this computer screen too much. Using the mouse too much also makes my thumb and fingers move involuntarily at night. Try to cut down on your computer usage.

yah it may happen.........

Normal? No.
Does it happen to Dingelbury all the time? Yes.

I firmly believe that it's a curse us sexy people must endure for being so damn sexy.

Dingels right, it must be a sexy person curse. Mine never twitches. There are some superstitions that are in connection with the twitching.

If your right eye twitches there will soon be a birth in the family. If the left eye twitches there will soon be a death in the family.

I'm not even making it up.

lol you have all the right things going WRONG for your eye to be twitching. The two biggest reasons your eye would be twitching is lack of sleep and high amounts of stress. :-D

Its nothing to worry about. Its just annoying.

I was in my doctors and we were talking about my sleep and stress habits, and he saw my eye twitch and he said that these are why my eyes were twitching too. lol

SOOOOO... there ya go babe. nothing to worry about. just get some sleep!!

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