Can Playing On The Computer For Long Hours Damage The Eyes?!

Question: If So How Long Should I Play

Answers: If So How Long Should I Play

Yes, playing on the computer for long hours can damage the eyes. Take ten minute breaks every hour when using the computer or watching TV. During the one minute breaks, you should relax your eyes and focus on DISTANT objects (for example, looking out through the window) as computer monitors causes strain in the eye.

I recommend that you play no longer than three hours, but I guess it depends on the type of person you are. The most important thing is to not play for hours straight without breaks. This can not only damage your eyesight but can also affect your physical and mental health.

yes it can if u go to long on the computer it can also make u fat,tired and a lil blind


a CRT monitor isn't good for your eyes. Luckily most people are using LCDs these days. if you are still using a CRT, invest in a new monitor. they pay for themselves because your electric bill will go down.

Of course they are bad.There are electric lasers that goes out through televisions, microwaves, and computers.Those lasers don't make your eyes better.It's best that you play for an hour and 30 minutes.

Smelling can't hurt your nose, tasting can't hurt your tongue, and seeing can't hurt your eyes. However, when people concentrate on a visual task (ie reading, driving, using the computer) they tend to blink less frequently which can make the eyes dry our and burn/irritate. But no permanent harm is done by computer screens or TVs.

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