Is Laser eye surgery safe?!

Question: I have heard the new Wave length procedure is good at correcting the night vision problems that past surgeries had in the laser field. Is this true?

Answers: I have heard the new Wave length procedure is good at correcting the night vision problems that past surgeries had in the laser field. Is this true?

mine would have cost $4000 (wavefront lasik)

I was gonna do it but im glad I didn't, i canceled two days before my operation... they would have really overcorrected me due to a mistake in when they were taking my perscription.. plus I have large pupils and my prescription changed in the last year...
I guess I went to a bad place (Lasik MD in Toronto) because they didn't tell me ANYTHING!

My eyes are even already a little dry and I had to ask for eye drops for part of the exam, they simply just gave me the drops and didnt warn about the severe dry eye problems people with already dry eye experience after lasik ...

anyways i pray everyday for thanks that I didn't do it :) because I would have been about a diopter over-corrected plus would have likely seen halos and had dry eyes because of my pupil size and pre-existing dry eyes!

you mite be fine tho, i dont know what your story is... a VAST majority of people are fine... just be very careful with the pre-op, find out everything they are supposed to check and make sure they do it!! that was my issue!!! :P

Maybe I will try again in many years when the technology gets MUCH better

My 80 year old Grandmother had it done.. she is doing great n loves it

How safe do you want it?

99% safe doesn't mean that everyone is 99% OK. It means 99 people are OK, and one person is nothing like it.

But the rate for at least minor problems is higher than that, which is why you have to very clear what you, and the clinic, are counting as a success, (and that you're in agreement on that!)
The most common issues are:
Refraction not as near as zero as hoped.
Dry eyes, temporarily or permanently,
Night-time glare, temporarily or permanently.
Worse outcomes remain unlikely though possible, as will be discussed, and listed, when you are asked to give consent for the operations. (see below)

Let's be clear: that still leaves the vast majority of people happy, to very happy, with their outcomes.

But as the FDA Lasik sight suggests (below)
"You are probably NOT a good candidate for refractive surgery if:
You are not a risk taker. "

(And it isn't clear that the newer custom/wavefront techniques have completely solved the night vision difficulties, as hoped for and sometimes claimed, but it may have made the choices more individual:
"Wavefront-guided ablations may remove more tissue than conventional ablations, depending upon the unique circumstances of the individual patient. If you have thin corneas, additional tissue removal may be an issue. For more information, see Thin Cornea.

The size of the fully corrected optical zone is limited for wavefront-guided ablations. If your naturally dilated pupils are unusually large, you may have an increased risk of poor vision in low light environments. See Lasik and Pupil Size"
(see below)

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