Which colored contacts look best with really dark brown eyes??!

Question: Which colored contacts look best with really dark brown eyes!?!?
im pretty dark skinned with almost black colored hair and my eyes are really dark brown!. i had some green FreshLook contacts that were cool but you could see like a huge dark brown rim around the inside!.!.!. its kinda hard to explain but i want to know what brand of contacts blend in the best!.
please and thank you :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have experienced exactly what you said!. The clear pupil section of the Freshlooks colorblends are big and your real iris color shows through!. My optometrist said it had to be that way to allow for when the pupils dilate!. I also bought the Green and stopped using them just for this reason!. I then bought the Pure Hazel and am happy with those!. My 'brown ring' blended in better with the hazel, although they are not as pretty as the green!. I had tried on Acuvue Opaques, but the colors looked too fake!. Have you tried the Pure Hazel in Freshlooks!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

just keep using the feshlook one but get the two toned one's, it will also use a saphire coulour i found that my eyes stood out heaps, if you know where to get more let me know but cheap please!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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