Can you wear eyeliner with contact lenses?!

Question: Can you wear eyeliner with contact lenses!?
I know you're technically not meant to, but if I wash it between uses and don't put too much on, can I put eyeliner between my lower lashes and my eye when I'm wearing my contact lenses!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The area between your eyelashes and your eyeball is full of oil glands!. The oil they produce is part of your tears, the part that stops the tears from drying!.
You should not wear eyeliner along this part of the eye, you should put it under your eyelashes!. This is because the eyeliner blocks the oil glands and long term can cause your eyes to become dry!. This can make your contact lenses become uncomfortable but also leave you more prone to eye infections!. Also make-up is food for bacteria meaning they can thrive in your eye!. Again, increasing the risk of an eye infection!.
I'm not saying don't do it but consider the complications that could happen!. I personally never put eyeliner here and would recommend my patients didn't!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

why arent you ment to!? I wear eyeliner and wear contacts all day long!.!.!.never been a problem!.!.!.the only thing youre not ment to do when wearing lenses is swim sleep or shower!.!.!.and as long as you keep your lenses cleaned properly twice a day and not wear them longer than around 8 hours in one go then there should be no problemWww@Answer-Health@Com

I wear contacts and lots of eyeliner!. You can wear as much as you want!. Jus make sure that you clean you lenses with the solution, between the times you wear them!. You'll be good, wear all the liner you want!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes you can put eyeliner while wearing contacts!. its not good to get it in your eye, then rub your eye, this can cause scratching on your eye!. but it wont do any harm to wear makeup!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't see why you couldn't as long as you are careful with it!. I would suggest using a hypo-allergenic eyeliner, that is better for youWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes you can (:Www@Answer-Health@Com

YES i do all the time just clean your contacts really good after!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I do all the time but I always remove it properly Www@Answer-Health@Com

My friend has contact lenses and ALWAYS has eyeliner!.

i dont see the problem but if your not 100% sure then check with your opticionsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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