One of my eyes drifts outward?!

Question: One of my eyes drifts outward?
People say you can't really notice unless I take a picture looking in a certain angle. But Sometimes when I'm really tired in class, I can FEEL it slowly...drifting. I saw some pictures of family members and it looks like their eye does the same thing. Is there any way this can be fixed by a eye doctor? I already wear glasses. That doesn't help it at all /: I am very embarrassed by this as I heard someone in class mention it before.


I think you have an eye condition called Exophoria... it's quite common so don't stress.

It's one of subtypes of HETEROPHORIA (exophoria - turned out, esophoria - turned in)... where your eyes are naturally misalligned, but your muscles are strong enough to pull them straight... until you get too tired... and then your eyes bounce back or 'wanders' to their divergent' or drift out position. Eye exercises may help you strengthen up your muscles so that you can maintain straight allignment for longer. See your eye care professional, especially ones who further specialises in 'childrens' or 'binocular' vision...

Prism glasses can help, but they often weaken your muscles even more, coz they shift the images to where the eye drifts to... and so they eye is always drifting out..

Finally.... surgery is really not an option unless it happens ALL the time, and that you can't control them...

Some possible reasons: The vision in your 'good' eye' is better that the poor eye. It does most of the 'seeing' which tells the poor eye it doesn't have to use it's muscles, which makes muscles weaker and weaker. Get glasses checked so that both eyes see equally well.
Doing eye exercises with good eye covered. (looking at things left then right, up then down etc) may help restore some muscle strength.
Doctor may prescribe eye patch for good eye, to wear at home.

You have a lazy eye.. A dear friend of mine has it.. I do not believe it can be treated..

I have the exact same thing. It's quite sad and it's ruined some otherwise good pictures of me :(

I've looked into it and the only thing for it is a procedure done by an optician with prisms which realign both eyes. But that stuff costs money here (UK) and I don't have it ATM.

It 's caused by excessive use of your prime eye, the other becomes 'lazy'. I can attribute mine to use of computer games.

Maybe an eye patch over your 'prime eye' to get the 'lazy' one to work more might do something?

I'm sorry I can't be of more help. All I can say is visit an op titian and try an eye-patch.


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