Do I do this eye exercise with my glasses on or off?!

Question: Do I do this eye exercise with my glasses on or off?
I have worn glasses for over 2 years and recently read some articles about improving vision naturally through eye exercises. I was just wondering, am I supposed to do the eye exercise in which you stare at a distant object with my glasses on or off?

What about exercises like focusing on something close and the focusing on something far, palming, zooming, etc.?


The idea of eye exercises is to help bring about normal function of the eye and the mind. Sure its possible to find one person, insist that they try eye exercises and find out after one year their prescription was totally unaffected.
Then again its possible to find examples of people who couldn't drive a car without glasses, getting help and later improving their eyesight so much that they can now legally drive. (… )

One therapist (who appears regularly on tv) is well known to have been born with cataracts, glaucoma and a few other rare conditions and was declared legally blind. His name is meir schneider if you care to look him up. He was introduced to 'eye exercises' at the age of 17 and nowadays can be seen on tv or writing in books describing how giving up and neglecting any part of your body will definitely lead to deterioration and/or illness.
Being legally blind and then being able to drive is a clear example of how holistic methods have had a positive effect on a person's life.

Anyway what are the issues involved with eye exercises? Technically nearsightedness is defined as having eyeballs that are elongated front to back. So if this shape remains the same and the lens and cornea remain the same then the prescription has no chance of changing.

However what is indisputable is that the muscles of the eye are there for a reason. If we had none of these muscles then our eyes would be pretty much useless. There is the extraocular muscles with which your eyeballs can turn around in their sockets (to look up down etc.) There's the ciliary muscle which is vital for your eye to change from seeing the distance to seeing something close up.
Does everyone need these muscles in order to function normally? Yes. Is there a guarantee that EVERYONE in the public is using these muscles correctly or have them in a workable state? No.
Since when did we live in a 100% healthy population?

Sorry I forgot the orbicularis muscle. This is crucial for closing your eyes and for blinking.

So if you are sure all of these muscles are working 100% ok for you then eye exercises won't be helpful in this area.

The other issues are how you use your eyes, stress and the mental process of eyesight.
The eye has the simple job of refraction. This means the rays of light enter the eye and are then concentrated/ pointed in the right direction. The process of actually SEEING starts with the retina and ends in the brain. This area can also be prone to problems or failure. If the existence of stress is acknowledged then we can establish the possible cause of the problem.
Does everyone suffer the same amount of stress? Is it the true that noone actually suffers from excessive stress in their lives? Well if we lived in stressless world why does the word 'stress' exist.

So anyway if you never suffer from stress and have a consistent level of relaxation allowing you the time and freedom to take in visual information and process it then again....eye exercises won't do anything for you.

There is something worth noting though.
Nobody claims eye exercises are a risk to your health. Nobody claims they help or contribute to eyesight getting worse. And doing eye exercises will possibly be something that will just take up one hour of just one day of your life. There's no price to pay and there's always the option to go back to glasses. Being honest I made a big deal in my head whether commiting to the idea of doing eye exercises was a waste of my time. But having done that first exercise and not seriously having worn glasses since then I can say it was a pretty lousy predicament (looking back at myself). Being unprepared to experiment with anything is a very ineffective way of approaching life.

BTW its worth pointing out staring is anti social and will be a cause of strain. On your eyes as well as other people. Everyone is familiar with magnifying glasses and binoculars. We stare into them. Glasses are no different.
See for some advice in this area.

Why are there people online here spending every day of their lives trying to tell people they waste their time with eye exercises? If eye exercises were proven to never work then there is a non-issue here. A complete non-event that is not worth anyones breath. There would be no logic for anyone to put effort into attacking the idea.
The question then becomes why is it only people who SELL glasses that are the ones (online) that try as hard as they can to convince people to avoid it? Quoting from a previous answer: 'nobody uses eye exercises because they dont work. That's why everyone wears glasses or has lasik.' Well if everyone is buying glasses right now this issue would then not be in dispute. However I don't understand why there are people spending all their time online devoted to a crusade which apparently has no relevance to their business.

Fundamentally there are some people just don't care to have perfect sight. Just as some people don't care to have correct posture.

It doesn't matter, because eye exercises have not been shown to improve vision.

If they did, people wouldn't wear glasses, contacts or have LASIK surgery.

Your vision is what it is.

I don't think it matters. either way you are wasting your time.


I don't think it matters. Either way you are excercising your eyes

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