Papilledema Question?!

Question: Papilledema Question?
So in September i made an appointment to get my eyes checked out because i had ghosting and basically i was told i had a slightly blurred optic margin in one eye. I had a follow up with my ophthalmologist once a month since then and he said it hadn't changed and he doesn't think it's anything serious, but i'm still worried it could be something like papilledema. Is this likely? Sorry if this is kind of a stupid question, but I've been seeing so many things about brain tumors being the cause and it's been freaking me out.


You're in good hands with your Ophthalmologist.

It's not rare to have blurred optic disc margins.... Papilledema is actually SWELLING of the nerve head.. and I'm sure that your Ophthal can easily detect that with the myriad of hi-tech instruments these days.

You don't have papilledema. This condition is quite obvious and it can be diagnosed with a visual field test and color vision tests. Your eye doctor would have diagnosed it if you had it. Blurred disk margins are not unusual.

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