Visual or Medical Problem: Blurry Weaving In and Out Vision, Room Spinning, Rand!

Question: Visual or Medical Problem: Blurry Weaving In and Out Vision, Room Spinning, Random Floating Objects?
Heya, When I read text, look at a computer screen or infact look at anything my vision weaves in and out. Originally I thought I had bad eye sight and I got them tested and got glasses as there was a slight distortion due to oval shaped eyes which is of course quite common. They helped my eye sight a little bit but it still does not help the weaving in and out of vision. I have been diagnosed with dyslexia/ dyspraxia (there not too sure) and we (dyslexic tutor) think it is visual stress as it is common is dyslexics (or dyspraxia, one or the other) and different underlays have helped significantly from the brightness of white coloured paper (light purple seems to work best), the extend of the weaving in and out has reduced but it still continues not to stop and of course this does not help when I’m doing other things which does not involve reading text (my general vision). Basically my vision for looking at anything (not just text) pictures, objects, people etc has a dreamy like feel to it where it seems everything in terms of vision weaves in and out (i.e. I can see it, then it goes blurry, then I can see it then it goes blurry again and this keeps alternating the same thing).

What do you think this could be?

Also it might be connected to it, but at night objects disappear and move about a bit and change function to other things where objects appear as different things as they really are. Sometimes appear like faces or other inanimate objects and the room spins a bit and random floating cartoon objects float around the room and room changes to different colours etc. I’m not sure if the two things are connected and if it has anything to do with being light sensitive. It’s possible for the distorted objects to appear like other things, but not so sure about the cartoon like floating objects, insects and other cartoon like things.

Thanks for reading, all help will be very much appreciated, do you think it could be a medical condition or a visual condition?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Even those without visual problems or dyslexia will suffer eye strain if they spend too much time on the computer or doing other close work for several hours. Eye strain is temporary and can cause blurry vision, headaches one to see wavy lines of text, shadows and other visual problems. Remove or diminish the cause the eye strain should disappear.

You night auras or vision could be due to shadows or a vivid imagination. You should make a list of all the symptoms you've posted here and bring the list with you the next time you see your eye specialist. Yahoo answerers can only give you best guesstimates, only your eye doctor can give you definitive diagnoses and answers.

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