Do the blind wear contacts?!

Question: Do the blind wear contacts?
I know that may sound slightly ignorant but do the blind or can the blind wear contacts? I do know they wear sunglasses to hide their eyes/cover up their eyes but would they were color contacts at all possibly instead of sunglasses? I know it's not like the contacts would improve their vision, just wondering if it's an alternative to sunglasses. This isn't meant to sound rude or anything, it's just a very odd conversation my friend and I are having.


Some do, but not many. Of the handful of blind patients I have, only one comes to mind as wearing contacts. His corneas are very scarred, almost entirely white, and it's sorta freaky to look at. His wife brought him in and we got some custom lenses painted to look like an ordinary iris and pupil.

I'm an optometrist.

Most blind people don't care what anyone thinks about their eyes, as far as color or tracking. Some do wear sunglasses, but not always to keep others from seeing their eyes. So wearing colored contacts, would not help with tracking issues or eyes looking unsightly to the sighted.

Blind or not the eyes are still sensitive to getting dry, (and contacts would not help with this), and having things get into them, so without a reflex blinking response like a sighted person would have to something flying towards their face/eyes, many opt for sunglasses to protect their eyes (if they keep them open), others may just keep their eyes closed closed their eyes.

Noted from friends that are blind for various causes.

I think you are pointing to prosthetic contact lenses. Prosthetic contact lenses mask flaws and improve the appearance of an eye disfigured from a birth defect, trauma, or eye disease.
If certain structures of the injured or disfigured eye also fail to function properly, these special contact lenses can also be designed to block excess light from reaching the back of the eye and causing vision problems. Your eye care practitioner can match prosthetic contact lenses to the appearance of a healthy eye by using a pre-made set or by ordering custom-painted contact lenses.

But if you just want a contact lenses with UV protection then go to this site :

probably not since it probably wont help their eyesight any

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