8. This chemical in cigarettes is a powerful insect poison:
(Points : 1)




I don't know

9. Which of the following is a gum disease caused by smoking?
(Points : 1)




I don't know

10. In which of the following conditions (that can be caused by smoking) does one experience the feeling of suffocation?
(Points : 1)




I don't know

11. Which of the following are effects of tobacco use?
(Points : 1)
clothes smell

bad breath

yellow fingers

faster running

I don't know

12. Most teens agree that smoking will keep one's weight down.
(Points : 1)


I don't know

13. Your brain weighs about:
(Points : 1)
3 pounds

5 pounds

7 pounds

10 pounds

I don't know

14. With the use of this drug you can get more tar and carbon monoxide than with regular cigarettes:
(Points : 1)




I don't know

15. This drug may cause men to grow breasts:
(Points : 1)




I don't know

16. When someone uses any drug -- legal or illegal -- for a non-medical reason, he or she is abusing drugs.
(Points : 1)


I don't know

17. Those who are self-confident and are comfortable saying no are also less likely to be influenced by external pressures to use drugs than people who are insecure or critical of themselves.
(Points : 1)


I don't know

18. Which of the following might be signs of a drug addiction?
(Points : 1)
lying to a doctor to get a prescription

using a drug when you wake up in the morning

thinking about drugs a lot

stealing to obtain drugs

I don't know

19. Which of the following health skills will come in handy when advocating for a cause?
(Points : 1)

analyzing influences

goal setting

self management

I don't know

20. The steps for setting goals are: write down your goal, develop an action plan, ________________________, and reward yourself along the way.
(Points : 1)
establish a support system

get input into your action plan

communicate your goal

review your goal daily

I don't know

10 points for best answer!!!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

8) Probably nicotine. I'm saying that because it's a poison if taken in large amounts at a time.

9) I dont know

10) Emphysema

11) Clothes smell, bad breath and yellow fingers.

12) I don't know if most teens know it, but it is true.

13) 3 pounds

14) I going to say marijuana, but an average dose of marijuana (one come/bowl/joint) has much less tar than an average dose of tobacco (one cigarette). If you cut open a cigarette, there is a huge amount of tobacco packed into it. If you cut off 1cm of a cigarette, that is how much tobacco is needed to fit into one cone/bowl/joint, and a cigarette is approx 5cm long. Somebody who smokes tobacco to the point of getting lung cancer would consume 2 packets per day (thats between 40-50 cigarettes), while heavy cannabis smokers would smoke probably between 10-20 cones/bowls/joints per day, thats the same as between 2-4 cigarettes, 2-4 cigarettes per day wont end up giving you any problems. Also, nobody has died from cannabis use in the past.

15) I dont think any of those is the answer. Cocaine, Marijuana and LSD certainly don't cause you to grow breasts. To grow breasts you need estrogen, steroids is testosterone which is the opposite of estrogen. I think steroids just make your pecks so big that they look like breasts lol.

16) 'Abusing' drugs, is such an ugly word to use. We experience emotions because chemicals are reacting in our brains, and there are outside chemicals that react with the brain in the same way, so its not 'abusing' drugs, its simply 'taking' them. People who think that just because people who enjoy an altered state of consciousness are 'drug abusers' are very hypocritical, everyone puts themselves into an altered state of consciousness all the time due to chemicals reacting in the brain (when we eat food, when we go to sleep, when we have a shower, etc), if people choose to take chemicals to alter their consciousness, then that is okay because its their body so they can do what they want. Just because the government disproves of it doesn't mean that everyone else shouldn't be able to enjoy it.

17) No, unless of course they are pressured by other people to take drugs. For the vast majority of people, its not external pressures that make people use drugs, its their own personal choice.

18) Stealing to obtain drugs would be the most valid out of those. But the word 'addiction' is thrown around so much these days that nobody has a clear picture of what addiction is. In my opinion, the point where a person experiences physical withdrawal (such as cravings, inability to concentrate, mood swings) then they are addicted.

19) Communication

20) Get input into your action plan

That was fun

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