My eyes hurt whenever I try to read and the doctors don't know why. What is!

Question: My eyes hurt whenever I try to read and the doctors don't know why. What is happening and what should I do?
My eyes hurt whenever I try to read and if I insist on reading the discomfort goes up. I started using glasses 1 year ago in order to correct my miopia and since then I've changed my glasses 4 times.
I visited my doctor several times but he didn't solve my problem. He just prescribed me new glasses and eyedrops. I did some exans but the doctors didn't finnd anything wrong with my eyes.
I'm a student and it's so hard for me to handle this problem. What is happenig with my eyes and what should I do in order to get rid of this problem?
My name is Paulo Ricardo and I'm from Brazil.



well you can try strengthening your eye. it MIGHT help, i had to do it when my doctor said my eyes were weak. you know when you go cross eyed by putting your finger in front of your nose and moving it far then close again? well that actually strengthens you eye. try it. it might help :)

If they hurt you should quit reading.

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