Can a 13 yr old hav breast cancer?!

Question: ma bst frnd is realy upset...she feels it is breast cancr....n i realy dont noe wat to do....she feels knots on her breast n sumthin bad stuff keeps happenin...she cannot go to the doc...plzz additional details r mostly welcum

Answers: ma bst frnd is realy upset...she feels it is breast cancr....n i realy dont noe wat to do....she feels knots on her breast n sumthin bad stuff keeps happenin...she cannot go to the doc...plzz additional details r mostly welcum

Yes, it's possible, but very rare. Chances are, the knots she feels are her glands swelling up. It's a common occurence with puberty and breast development. I would encourage her to maybe talk with her school nurse, if not a doctor for her concerns.

"Girls may differ widely in the ages that they begin puberty. Some girls may notice physical changes as young as nine, while others may be closer to twelve or thirteen. One of the first signs that a girl is in the beginning states of puberty is the development of breast buds. She may notice small lumps or knots in her otherwise flat breasts, and she may also experience soreness in her breasts, especially when she lies on her stomach. She may be afraid that something is wrong, so it is very important that you reassure her. Be sure you let her know that these breast buds are entirely normal, and they mark the imminent appearance of more fully developed breasts."*

Yes they can but it is rare.

ask her to talk to her mum or is there a female nurse at her health centre -it is unlikely to be cancer probaly growing pains in them

Even babies can be born with different types of cancer.

Your friend needs to be talking to her parents or guardians and getting a doctors appointment.

Why can't she go to the doctor? If she is worried about something going on with her health, she needs to go to a doctor. If her parents will not or cannot afford to take her, there are health clinics that she can go to.

I wish your friend the best.

It would be extremely unlikely. I had a friend once who thought she might have breast cancer at this age and it was just the development of normal breast tissue, which can feel a little lumpy at first.
There's probably nothing to worry about, but has she spoken to a female adult relative who may be able to have a quick check to reassure her?

Very rare for breast cancer at that age........if she is checking for lumps....she is probably feeling normal breast tissue. Sometimes it feels like knots........
. If she is really worried she should talk to her parents or an aunt or someone. they will help ease her mind.

Hi Sweetie,
Breast cancer has No age limit like any other Cancer, I surmise it's just lymph-noids, fatty tissue, but in r heart to settle r mind go for a mamogram. It'll hurt a min. but at least u can get the results to make her mind at ease. OK? lol

LOL, Diana D

she really needs to get that checked out because it can happen to girls that are 13 even though it is rare. Haveing knots in your breasts before your period is normal but having them all the time isnt. if shes knows whats good for her she will get it checked out. If she gets it checked out soon enough and she does have it it will be easier to cure than waiting long because then it can spread.

i hope everything works out alright for your friend!

yes they can but i think its just breast development!

i think her boobs may be growin thats exactly what mine did

Yes it is possible. But mostly small lumps in breast are fibroadenomas and they are not cancers. but cancer may arise in them or may not arise.These masses are mobile (called breast mouse) ,painless) you can always feel the masses in your breast by palpation. The best method as advised every where is ' place your palm on your opposite breast and move it in a circular fashion. any mass in the breast is easily felt.When the masses do not move or suddenly start growing bigger and bigger and when the skin overlying them gets puckered or there is blood like /dirty color discharge from the nipple which has become pulled towards the inside of breast ,then you can be sure that the mass has become cancerous.

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