The antibiotic nitrofurantoin (macrodantin) and birth control. HELP!!!?!

Question: I am on the birth control pill Ortho cept. I took one pill of nitrofurantoin (50mg) two days in a row and had sex. The next day I found out that nitrofurantoin can possibly affect the effectiveness of the pill and freaked out. I didn't have any Plan B (Emergency Contraceptive) left so I took 4 of my regular birth control pills that morning and took and 4 more 12 hours later as I was told they would do the same thing as EC. Obviously I really worried I might be pregnant. I really am not in the mindset of being okay if I am. I am way too young! Do you think I will be okay? Any personal experience you can share with me would really out my mind at ease.

Answers: I am on the birth control pill Ortho cept. I took one pill of nitrofurantoin (50mg) two days in a row and had sex. The next day I found out that nitrofurantoin can possibly affect the effectiveness of the pill and freaked out. I didn't have any Plan B (Emergency Contraceptive) left so I took 4 of my regular birth control pills that morning and took and 4 more 12 hours later as I was told they would do the same thing as EC. Obviously I really worried I might be pregnant. I really am not in the mindset of being okay if I am. I am way too young! Do you think I will be okay? Any personal experience you can share with me would really out my mind at ease.

first of all, for the future you should also use condoms. they will increase the protection. maybe its not as comfortable but its worth it. i think if your having sex you should be ready for parenthood because no birth control is100 percent effective. i don't think anybody out there should be having sex if they don't want kids. its no wonder we have all these teenage pregnancies and all these abortions. i think its simple, have sex but be ready for the responsibility.

personally i think what you did was wrong because if the baby had conceived you just went ahead and aborted it. i don't know what your views on abortion are but if your prolife i hope that matters to you. also, if you prolife you should be aware that the birth control pill can potentially cause embro's that have conceived to not implant resulting in a mini abortion. but you must have known that so therefore you took the higher doseage. even without the increase in dosage it can and does still happen. you can look it up yourself, just search for "abortifacient" and "birth control".

Taking the birth control pills in that quantity is NOT the same things as plan b. Go to a pharmacy and get it. I suggest getting a pregnancy test first, they call it the day after pill for a reason. You might Go to the doctor who prescribed the birth control and explain what happened. Who prescribed the antibiotic? they didn't tell you? Go the the doctor and find out what your options are. Could be, nothing is going to happen and you are fine. I have a 25 year old son who was the result of the very same thing....but, I was old enough and ready for him.
Please, get an appointment right away, call Monday and explain what happened.

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