Is there any kind of?!

Question: remedy or herbal medicine that a girl can take to help control emotions during totm? My emotions get waaaaaaay out of control, it's been getting worse recently because I am going through many changes in my life atm. I get tears, anger, tears, anger, tears, anger, more tears, more anger. It's a never ending chain that doesn't stop til the week is over.

Answers: remedy or herbal medicine that a girl can take to help control emotions during totm? My emotions get waaaaaaay out of control, it's been getting worse recently because I am going through many changes in my life atm. I get tears, anger, tears, anger, tears, anger, more tears, more anger. It's a never ending chain that doesn't stop til the week is over.

Salaam Alaykum, No caffeine or sugars. PMMD is an aflliction that can be treated with mild estrogen therapy. It is far worse than PMS and the symptoms are unbearble. Also
see a doctor and rule out depression.

anthistamines make you tired but make your emotions cold as stone..Or herbal wold be horse chestnut,feverfew,ginko beloba when you mix these together they act like a a percocet

The best advice what i can give you is please do start meditating....Once you start off with meditating you will start controling your sense and if that is not possible for you please dtart up with yoga which will help you emotionally and physically................

why don't you trying going to the doctors and see if they can give something for that cause thats noot normal at all i know because i have been there and that is not cool to feel like that at all.

Natural Remedies for PMS

These are some of the natural remedies that are used for PMS:

# Calcium

Studies suggest that calcium levels are lower in women with PMS and that calcium supplementation may reduce the severity of symptoms.
A large study looked at 1057 women with PMS and 1968 women without PMS. Women with the greatest intake of calcium from food sources had the least PMS symptoms.

Another study found that 300 mg of calcium carbonate four times a day significantly reduced bloating, depression, pain, mood swings, and food cravings.
# Chaste Tree Berry

Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) berry is one of the most popular herbs for premenstrual syndrome in Europe.

A study published in the British Medical Journal involving 178 women with PMS found that chaste tree berry significantly reduced PMS symptoms over three menstrual cycles. Women taking chaste tree had significant improvements in irritability, depression, headaches, and breast tenderness.

The most common side effects of chaste tree berry are nausea, headache, digestive disturbances, menstrual disorders, acne, itching, and skin rashes. Chaste tree berry should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women. The safety of chaste tree berry in children or people with kidney or liver disease has not been established.

Theoretically, chaste tree berry may interact with hormones or drugs that affect the pituitary gland. For more information on chaste tree berry, read the Chaste Tree Berry / Vitex Fact Sheet
# Magnesium

The mineral magnesium, found naturally in food and available in supplements, has showing good preliminary results for PMS. One study examined the use of magnesium supplements or placebo in 32 women with PMS. The amount of magnesium used was 360 mg three times a day, starting from day 15 to the start of the menstrual period. Magnesium supplements were found to significantly improve PMS mood changes.

Another study used 200 mg of magnesium or placebo for two menstrual cycles. By the end of the second month, magnesium was found to significantly reduce weight gain, swelling of the hands and legs, breast tenderness, and abdominal bloating.

People with heart or kidney disease should not take magnesium supplements without consulting their doctor. Side effects of excess magnesium can include upset stomach and diarrhea. It can also cause nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, slowed heart rate, deficiencies of other minerals, confusion, coma, and even death.

Magnesium may interact with antibiotics, blood pressure medications, diabetic medications, digoxin, levothyroxine, and tiludronate (an osteoporosis medication) and should only be taken together under medical supervision.
# Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose oil is a plant oil that contains gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 essential fatty acid. Gamma-linolenic acid is involved in the metabolism of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins that regulate pain and inflammation in the body.

A review of seven studies on evening primrose for PMS found that the two most well-designed studies failed to show any beneficial effects for evening primrose.
# Acupuncture

In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is the organ most affected by stress, anger, and frustration. Stagnation of liver energy, or "qi", by emotions, alcohol, and spicy and fatty foods can lead to PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and abdominal bloating and cramping.

Although there is no scientific evidence behind this assessment, acupuncture, exercise, expressing emotions, and breathing exercises are recommended by practitioners to relieve liver stagnation.

* Emotions in Traditional Chinese Medicine
* What is Acupuncture?

# Dietary Suggestions

* Reduce sugar and salt intake. This is especially useful for bloating and swelling of the hands and feet, breast tenderness, and dizziness. Increase foods rich in potassium, such as fish, beans, and broccoli.

* Eat small, frequent meals to help stabilize blood sugar.

* Eliminate caffeine, which can aggravate anxiety, depression, and breast tenderness.

* Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and fish.

* Avoid alcohol.

* Decrease intake of fatty foods and red meat.

# Exercise

Regular aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling may help relieve PMS symptoms. In one study, the frequency but not the intensity of exercise was associated with a decreased PMS symptoms.
# Relaxation

Breathing exercises, meditation, aromatherapy, and yoga are some natural ways to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Many women feel more assertive and attuned to their needs in the weeks before menses. This can be used constructively by allowing for personal time to relax, expressing emotions, and giving priority to your needs and what nourishes you.
# Other Remedies

There are other natural remedies commonly used for PMS, including:

* Ginkgo
* Vitamin E
* Royal jelly
* OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins)
* Uva ursi
* St. Johns wort
* Wild yam
* Dandelion
* Reflexology
* Chiropractic
* Progesterone cream

You seem to be sad/angry/not sure/confused, etc (I could be wrong though)

I would say it sounds kinda like depression, but I'm not a doctor :P.

Do something to make yourself happy, if you like to go to the movies, then do that, if you like to read, do that, if you like to take long walks, do that, just do something to make yourself happy and take your mind of off stuff.

If you have the time to sleep a bunch, then definitely do that, but if you don't then there isn't much you can do but "tough it out" as hard as it may be sometimes... If you're so sad then maybe you aren't choosing the right person to go with :s.

I'll pray for you, but I really hope you start feelin' better :(.

Also, about the natural herb cure stuff, I don't really know of any herbs except for chamomile, and I recommend that to people for basically everything, lol, so I guess you can try that or something o.0.

even though i am not a female i have seen midol do wonders with women on emotional roller coaster ride


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