Embaressing question for girls?!

Question: I think something abnormal is going on down there. It will get itchy and sometimes have a foul odour. My discharge is normal but whats happening ?

Answers: I think something abnormal is going on down there. It will get itchy and sometimes have a foul odour. My discharge is normal but whats happening ?

hi honey,
as a rule, yeast infections do not have a foul odor which leads me to believe that you have a bacterial infection or a micro-organism called trichamonas.....you need to be seen by your ob/gyn doctor so that he can prescribe the proper medication for you to use intravaginally.......this condition can be transmitted sexually so i would recommend that you abstain from sex or definitely use a condom..Good luck

idk. i wish i could answer that. =(

STD? I dunno. Never got one. Wash regularily...

you might have a STD so go to the doctor!

its probably thrush or a yeast infection you should see your doctor they will give you some cream for it...signs of thrush are...painful urinating, sometimes painful to walk, constant itching, an odd smell and redness....

Sounds like a yeast infection. You can get stuff at Walmart for that. Its very common.

are u going threw puberty..

Its probably thrush. My pills give me that alot. The symptoms vary, but itching and smelling are in that list.

I do not know how old you are but talking with your mom or a caring adult might help. You may be having what is called an yeast infection which causes you to itch. There is medication for that and it is nothing to worry about. Just take care of yourself by asking your mom. Going to the doctor is also a great idea. This way you will not have to do guess work. Take care.

Most likely you have a yeast infection. If you have taken antibiotics lately, it makes them alot more likely to occur. However, it could also be some kind of bacterial infection. Yeast infection is probably the most common thing though. You can get over the counter stuff for that, but if it doesn't clear up it would probably be best to go see the gynocologist.

You should definitely visit a doctor. It could be any number of things. Try entering your symptoms on this site... Maybe you can be more specific and find out that way if you are too embarrassed to see a doctor.


you may have a simple yeast infection, so talk to your mom and see if she will get you something for it

wash it thoroughly everytime u use the toilet... keep a small bucket of water next to the toilet seat so its easier for u.. also try to use Johnson's intimate wash .. it costs like 4$.. if nothing changes...u Must see a gynacologist

A swab for culture from the area to define the causative organism. and
sensitivity to define proper antibiotic , is necessary before
you start any treatment , which may be local or systemic or
both and local cleaning is mandatory .

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