Large Labia?!

Question: Most people don't seen to be botherd about this- well on this anyway. I am so paranoid about my large vagina flaps, its got so bad i refuse to have sex. I don't look sexy in underwear my vagina looks disgusting. It is really depressing me. I know for a fact boys round my end hate large labia has i have heard them talk about it. Please give me advise.....Anyone.X

Answers: Most people don't seen to be botherd about this- well on this anyway. I am so paranoid about my large vagina flaps, its got so bad i refuse to have sex. I don't look sexy in underwear my vagina looks disgusting. It is really depressing me. I know for a fact boys round my end hate large labia has i have heard them talk about it. Please give me advise.....Anyone.X

Boys don't hate them, well maybe a few boys do, but real men like them or don't mind. Check out (be warned it has pictures) a lot of men like them long. The boys you are hearing are probably immature and trying to pretend they are more experienced than they are. Guys post on this site every day saying they don't care and long is fine or even better than the shorter ones.

Anyway you just need to learn to love your body. Sounds stupid but it's true. If it's really interfering with your life then you can get surgery but you could risk losing sensation down there, or becoming a person who needs surgery to "fix" every little problem with your body, and after this you would just obsess about something else. I think you should gradually get over your fear because if a guy likes you and he wants some then he won't mind. It's probably a bigger deal to you than it is to anybody else. Good luck.

Personally, "I like that" ... Nothing wrong with it, and you might want to consider yourself as a "special female". Especially, if they increase your ability for sexual arousal and fufillment.

I suspect, you are a bit young and maybe "unknowing" as well.

Learn to self awareness and acceptance. Surely, you will meet someone that embraces this, but not "boys". If not an adult, wait until you become one. The possibilities for happiness will become "endless".

I would like them :] if you find a nice guy (like me) he wont mind. otherwise you can have a surgery, I dont know how its called, labia reduction maybe, but it works.

its really sad when we dont enjoy sex cause of the size. I thought my thing is too small, so I never had a girlfriend cause I was affraid of rejection and embarrassment, but now I'm proud of my smallness :] so find a nice guy and he will accept you the way you are. except if the labia is really large, then MAYBE it can bother you during the intercourse. and dont worry, many people arent satisfied with their genitals, so we just have to accept the things we have. and I'm sure yours doesnt looks disgusting.

It is normal for some women and girls to have large (but not extremely large) labia minora (the inner set of lips that surround the vaginal opening). Some women have surgery to reduce the size of the labia minora but I wouldn't recommend it unless it was causing you a great deal of physical pain and irritation such as when you wear pants and panties.

I had the surgery done because of pain and irritation and it helped for a while but then 10 months after the surgery I ended up with more problems such as nerve damage. If I had to do it all over again I would have never had the surgery. I found out later that the large labia minora I had may have been as a result of a medical problem that was caused by a hormone imbalance.

I would recommend checking with your doctor as well to see what they say and also to see if a hormone imbalance such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome could be the cause of the large size as well.

If you have additional questions for me or need to talk please feel free to e-mail or IM me off site any time.

well i for one LOVE. large LABIA'S. i think there a great turn ON. i think your a little paranoid. are you sure the boys around you hate then. it not bravado. on there part. i think it is. on the question about your vagina looking disgusting. i can also a sure you ALL MEN. LOVE VAGINA'S. why do they spend billions on porn magazines and movies. so please learn to love your body. am sure it-is beautiful. good luck.

if you find a nice caring guy who loves you he wont mind, only stupid superficial men will mind and they are not worth you bothering with.
be happy with your body sweetie. i'm sure your beautiful.
hope this helps.

maybe you need different underwear then and a different way of looking at your labia.

I'll give you some links int he meanwhile that can make you appreciate your large labia more:

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