Omg whats happening??!

Question: i am a month and 2 days late for my period. I am not sexually active. what is wrong. I was recently sick, but i looke dit up and said that it has nothing to do with my period.
should I buy a pregnacy test anyway??
i just need advice. it worries me.
I did get a little chubbier in the face.

Answers: i am a month and 2 days late for my period. I am not sexually active. what is wrong. I was recently sick, but i looke dit up and said that it has nothing to do with my period.
should I buy a pregnacy test anyway??
i just need advice. it worries me.
I did get a little chubbier in the face.

If you're not sexually active, or at least haven't been for several months, you're likely not pregnant.

Many things can affect your period like stress, diet, an ovarian cyst, etc. I'd see a doctor to figure out which it is.

But like I said, if you haven't had sex in at least 2 months, you're likely not pregnant.

go to the doctors about it

iv no idea,weird!

You just said that you're not sexually active, right? So why would you think that you need a pg test?

If you aren't sexually active, why are you worried about being pregnant? don't worry abotu it. It is so common to miss your period when you are under stress. I missed it for two and a half months and I was fine. It came back. Don;t worry. Seriously.

There are many things that can make a woman's period not regular; health and stress are the two major ones.

ADD: I am a little concerned that you do not know enough about procreation to know if you are capable of having become pregnant. If you feel you should take a pregnancy test, I would also suggest a review of the mechanics and definitions of sex as opposed to the myths about sex (often propagated by horny men).

calm down first
how old are you?
im 30 and my periods are never regular and they werent at all regular when i was younger

Well you're definitely not pregnant if you've never had sex. Check with your doc-- I'm sure you'll be just fine...just an irregular period!

If you aren't sexually active, what is your problem?

If you have not been sexually active then you are not pregnant. I mean take the test if you want to..but how can you be pregnant if not sexually active? lol.
i mean..are you a teen? how long have you had your period?
Your body could still be chnaging and getting into the whole cycle. when i first got it there would be like months in between...till finally it got into a normal cycle.
good luck, happy holidays :D

lots of things can cause loss of period, stress, undereating etc. u need to see your doctor

You are probably just super stressed out, or not eating healthily. I would check with your doctor. If you have never had sex I doubt you need a pregnancy test, but it is not good for you to just not have a period. So go give your doctor a call.

If you're not sexually active, it would be very difficult to get pregnant. If you're doing any form of sexual activity, oral or mutual masterbation, you could have still gotten pregnant if some of it got inside of you.
Either way, get your butt to a doctor right away.

HOW NOW BROWN COW,A PG TEST and no sex,silly rabbit.

I'm not sure what you can do, but if I were a girl and I didn't have my period, the first thing I would do is a pregnancy test just in case. And maybe you should see a doctor!

if your not sexually active, you cant be pregnant. sometimes you just get your period late, and being sick can be why you missed your period

go to the doctors office dont ask us we dont no what we're talking about believe me.

you need to calm down, are you being paranoid, if you have not been around or with a man then there is nothing to worry about, at least not in the area, sometimes stress delay a menstral and you sound very stressed right now. check with your dr, it could be any number of situation like poly cystic ovaries or such.

if you are not sexually active, and you are not the virgin mary, how can you be pregnant?

If you have recently become athletically active, then it can throw your body off schedule. It happened to me too, and i am 13. I started running cross country, and i didnt get my period for 3 months. I have it back now, its just maybe that. Or go see a doctor.

If you're just beginning your period it's normal for it to be irregular.
There's no point buying a pregnancy test if you haven't had sex.
Go to the doctors if you're worried.

immaculate conception?
Go 2 church and ask/pray.
Sorry, can't help..have u lost a lot of weight?

if you had UN protected sex then go buy a pregnancy test just to check if your pregnant if not then go to the doctor

are you just stupid?

YOU CANNOT be pregnant if you are not sexually active. Sperm does not climb through sash windows or letterboxes. You could just have a blip in the hormones- this happens a lot. My friend is not sexually active and hasn't had a period for 6 years- she is not pregnant either-. Everyone has a period late every now and then. Please don't waste money on a pregnancy test. If you miss another period then see your doctor and get some suggestions.

I wouldn't worry too much. A lot of girls are that way. If you haven't had sex, you won't be preganant. Wait another day or to if it doesn't come around then call you doctor.

If you haven't had sex then you are not pregnant - How old are you? Call your obgyn and get an appointment for next week. You may just be stressed - that can cause you to be late.
It may be your hormone levels are off balance - that can cause body changes also - face getting chubbier.

how can you be preggie if your not have sex???

You cannot be pregnant unless you have been sexually active. You may have harshly gained or lost weight or your hormones may be acting up. It's okay. This happens to girls all the time. Don't buy a pregnancy test because there is absolutely no way to be pregnant without having sex, or artificial insemination. You're okay, you should just go see a doctor.

see the doc...


if you are not sexually active,then no worry about pregnancy.i would take ibuprofen for the pain,could be a sign your period is on the way..if still in pain,then go to your doctor,that is the reason they went to school,to detect medical problem...good luck to you.

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