Any ladies, have their uterine fibroids removed or shrunken?!

Question: I'm going to the doctor on the 22nd of this month for an ultra sound for my fibroids. I was just curious about any women who had experienced having their fibroids removed.

Answers: I'm going to the doctor on the 22nd of this month for an ultra sound for my fibroids. I was just curious about any women who had experienced having their fibroids removed.

After about 10 years of eating ice due to anemia and having no energy and periods that warrented 2 boxes of super plus tampons a week with periods lasting for at least 2 weeks and finally having a uterus the size of a cantalope, I knew I had to have something done.

My sister with a problem similar to mine had a proceedure done called imbulization. Went in in the morning, was awake during the proceedure and stayed over night. It took about 6 months but my periods were reduced drastically to where I only used a few tampons a day and no back up or anything. I don't know how old you are but I know I was about 38 when they tried taking out my uterus. Don't let them do that.

If you want to know more about my proceedure, please email me!!!!

Well, I don't have any fibroids. And I don't have any that have been removed or shrunken. But i do work at an OB/GYN office. We see so many patients with fibroids and each one of them needs special treatment.

I don't know if you've been thru any therapy with your doctor to shrink them, but I do know some of my patients have tried: 1) Depo Provera: you probably know of this. It's a shot you get every 13 weeks so you won't have your period. It helps you not even have to deal with having periods 2) Depo Lupron is another shot you get either every month or once every 3 months (depending on the dose) which helps shrinks the fibroids and 3) surgery called a myomectomy that removes the fibroids.

I don't know which one you would rather do, but either way, you can discuss it with your doctor. In my office, we perform myomectomies, but I think a lot of patients prefer getting the Depo Lupron shots. They actually see a decrease in the size of their fibroids after so many months of that therapy.

Good luck to you, and keep it Gangstalicious!

My mom had fibroids. She was on lupron for awhile to help shrink them, but that didnt work, so she had a hysterectomy. They were the size of a football!

My doctors found multiple uterine fibroids inside my uterus in 2005, I was 25 and single then./ The fibroids were so big that if they would have done operation to remove them then I may had chance to remove the whole uterus. There was no other option because they were so many and they were big.

My doctor decided to give me 4 shots of Luprone Injection for 4 months to reduce the size of the fibroids. I got married in the meantime.

After 4 months I had my surgery. You wont believe, doctors removed 28 fibroids and there were many tiny ones left inside. Doctors told me to try to get pregnant after 6 months of that surgery.

In that 6 months the fibroids grew again very fast. But I was lucky enough, I got pregnant at the end of 2006. The pregnancy was painful. I gave birth of a premature baby girl in July 2007.

The fibroids grew even more in my pregnancy. They were as big as 6 Kg! Doctors removed my whole uterus after the baby was born. The baby was tiny too as the fibroids did not let her grow well.

My baby and I are fine now. She is growing fine. Although the doctors tried to hard to keep the uterus but there was so much bleeding during the operation that they had no other option.

I'm happy cause I got rid from all the heavy bleeding during my period every month before I got pregnant. It was so painful.

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