Question about Sex and Vaginas?!

Question: If you have sex regulary with different sized penis' will the vagina eventually loosen or get bigger in size (depth and width) will it return to its original state after a while.

Answers: If you have sex regulary with different sized penis' will the vagina eventually loosen or get bigger in size (depth and width) will it return to its original state after a while.

Yes, they adapt to different size penises, but they don't stretch out forever. After all, they shrink back up after childbirth. If you do your Kegel exercises (google it if you're not familiar with the term), you will develop good muscle control.


Yes, it adapts to different sizes of penises. The reason I know this is because one of my best friends married a guy with a little one, at first she complained and said no way would she marry him because he was so small. I asked her before she married him what was up and she said now she enjoys it, so we looked it up and whatever book we were reading said the vagina will adapt to different sized penises.

I think that depends on the person and how they are built internally but the walls of the vagina can return to its original state.


not if you do your Kegels.

dont be daft! it opens wide enough to get a baby out then goes silly sausage!

Tighter girls are better to sleep with, but I've slept with some girls and it was like throwing sausages up an ally.

If you are having sex regularly with different males a big vagina is the least of your worries unless you are using a condom everytime!!! Of course your vagina will return to it's normal state after intercourse

Man I don't know but I've had THREE kids and I still have a pretty tight .........! I think so anyways!.............
I mean I'm sure the size of a kids head is a little bigger than the average size penis!!!!lol.............
YES! ******* are an amazing thing...stretch...shrink...expand...etc ...they can do it all and come out the other end the same as they always were.

no vagina will loosen if a woman does pelvic floor exercises, after all it is a muscle and like any other muscle it can be toned and tightened, you have to remember that it stretches to allow a baby out and then goes back , so the same with different size penis's it will stretch for a bigger one and then go back into shape for the next.

This is no more likely than your mouth getting bigger since you keep filling it! However childbirth and often the repair of tears or episiotomies afterwards can have an effect.

You should ask this question to the woman that had the 14 pound baby!

I strongly beleive it would eventually loosen up to become wide even without child birth. How else would you explain why some girls have it real loose (especially the regular players) while some have it tight (especially the virgins or seldom players). I think it's like rubber which would eventually go slack one day and the slackness doesn't just come all in one day but is a gradual slacking process

yes it will deff get bigger. havent u ever seen a porn duhh . it prob would if u didnt have sex for like 20 yrs

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