How do i make it shorter? I need it to be gone!?!

Question: I'm 16 and i'm on my period(starting 2/26/08). But i REALLY need to be off by Sunday (3/01/08) because that's me and my boyfriend's 1 year anniversary and I told him if we were together for a full year, we'd finally have sex. Well march 1st is the exact day and that's what we've been planning and i need a way to make my period go away SUPER fast. I know you can have sex being on it but I think that's to weird, especially for my first time. So does anyone know how to make my period go away quicker? P.S. It usually last 4 exactly a week and i'm not on birth control yet. Please help ASAP!

Answers: I'm 16 and i'm on my period(starting 2/26/08). But i REALLY need to be off by Sunday (3/01/08) because that's me and my boyfriend's 1 year anniversary and I told him if we were together for a full year, we'd finally have sex. Well march 1st is the exact day and that's what we've been planning and i need a way to make my period go away SUPER fast. I know you can have sex being on it but I think that's to weird, especially for my first time. So does anyone know how to make my period go away quicker? P.S. It usually last 4 exactly a week and i'm not on birth control yet. Please help ASAP!

Exercise a LOT! Lots of running and stuff. I'm talking like majorrrr working out. It won't stop, but it usually makes it shorter than normal. When I have my period, and I work out, it only lasts about three days.

There really isn't anyway to make it stop once it's started. You went an entire year though, a few extra days isn't going to hurt anything.

Well, you can try exercising. Try drinking parsley tea, and taking a few vitamin C. It might help.

If you waited a year you can wait a couple days for your period to end, I am sure he is not going to be very excited and wanting sex when he finds out that your bleeding anyways.

There is nothing you can do to stop it.

Postponing sex is your only option in this case...and it's not a bad one, either.
If you really want to have sex, wait until your period ends. You will still be dating for a year, and it will still be special. Or, you could alwways wait until you're on birth control which would be a good idea, too. Good luck!

No way to get over it faster nature will take its course, and not on birth control? Why are even considering sex at 16 then, do you want the responsibility of a baby? Condoms are not fool proof but I am sure you know that, so if that is what you are thinking of using as birth control, perhaps you should back up and think again.

Sorry there's no way to trick your body into ending your period without hormone therapy. Your cycle is controlled by hormone levels. Ironically, you've been planning on having sex for the first time for about a year now and you have not started birth control . . .hmmm? Last minute planning isn't really planning. I say start BC as soon as this cycle ends. Tell your man he'll have to wait a month . . .then you'll know exactly when your period is coming and going and you'll be safe.

Your period will last until it's done. Plus since it's your first time you really don't want to have sex while you still have any blood any where inside of you. It will get messy enough without that.
Plus you're 16 you can decide instead of your dating anniver. you could just wait until you're married or at least much older. But if you're set on your first time being with this guy then wait a little longer so you can relax and enjoy every bit of it.

Well unfortunatly you cant speed it up it lasts as long as it will last assuming you arent on birth control my advice would be to wait because having sex on your period makes the cramps alot alot worse and it might make you bleed

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