Major effing cramps! ughh help??!

Question: ok yeah
im friggen 14. i've gotten my period since i was friggen 10
and now all of a sudden
i've got these hella painful cramps
and they're pissing me off!
-.- mood swing much
is there ways to ease down the pain of these friggen cramps???

Answers: ok yeah
im friggen 14. i've gotten my period since i was friggen 10
and now all of a sudden
i've got these hella painful cramps
and they're pissing me off!
-.- mood swing much
is there ways to ease down the pain of these friggen cramps???

Severe period pains should always be investigated to check for a treatable cause. As a rough guide, if you've had severe period pain (known as dysmenorrhoea) since around the time your periods first started, it's less likely a particular cause will be found.

There are exceptions to this. Conditions such as endometriosis can sometimes cause severe pain from an early age (although the pain typically gets worse as the disease does more damage with each monthly cycle). Other causes include fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and sometimes a narrowing of the cervix. Bear in mind, though, that period pains are rarely a sign of disease, especially in younger women.

If the pain interferes with your life, preventing you from working, going to school or coping with daily tasks, I would recommend you consult with a doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation.

Good luck :)

cant you get your english right ?
"mood swing much".

Grow up little girl.

Take 3 paracetamol, that should work

Contrary to popular belief menstrual cramps are not a necessary part of being a woman.

Excluding health problems such as endometriosis most women can prevent period pains all together, or at the very least cure any pain you may get easily.

A large part of it is about attitude, to some degree stress contributes to difficult periods, but good attitude is also about learning about your body so to know what is normal and what to do if you do suffer from a problem such as menstrual cramps. There are 101 different methods for preventing and curing menstrual cramps, most are a lot more affective than just taking painkillers that your body can build up an immunity to over time making cramping worse, it's just a case of learning and testing things out to find what works for you.

If you are pre-teen or teen your cramps could simply be down to hormonal imbalance so will get better over time, but it always pays to know how to deal with these things in the future just in case you get cramps when you are an adult. It would be a good idea to talk to your mother to see whether she gets cramps now she is an adult as this is a good guide to whether-or-not you will get cramps when you are an adult, then you will know what has to be done when you are older to stop you suffering like this with menstrual cramps.

A few suggestions for prevention and cure of menstrual cramps;

? Clary Sage - Cure.
Use this instead of painkillers!

Clary sage essential oil, this is something you can find in any speciality store that sells essential oils. It naturally supports estrogen production and acting on the pituitary gland helps to regulate menstrual disorders and is useful during menopause, so it is good for PMS, menstrual pain, regulating menstruation, and well also sooth swollen breasts.
Usually when used for painful periods you use the essential oil of clary sage applied neat to your abdomen and gently massaged in, if it's too strong for you neat, dilute it a little bit with some vegetable oil

? Cell-salts - pevention and cure.

Cell-salts are a natural mineral that your body needs for basic functioning, if you are lacking in these then this can affect all sorts of things in your body, you can take these daily to help prevent menstrual cramps all together or you can take them when you get cramps upping the does every 5-10 minutes until the pain goes away. Wikipedia explains cell salts

? Herbal teas - prevention and cure.

Herbal methods have been used for a very long time and are still popular, as well as dealing with menstrual pains they can also be used for other menstrual problem such as PMS, reducing menstrual flow, inducing your periods, reducing bloating and regulating your menstrual cycle, most herbs used for menstrual problems can help with general menstrual health that will in turn also help your menstrual cramps.
Most of these can be bought in tea-bag form from health stores and supermarkets, some stores also stock 'women's blends' that are good for all around women's health, although fresh is best it can sometimes mean having to check how to best prepare the herb, it should also be noted that herbal teas should never be boiled as this affects the potency of the herb.
You may also want to check to see if you can use herbs if you suffer any health problems or if you are using hormonal birth control.

Herbs to use for menstrual cramps;
- Rasberry leaf
- Yarrow
- Lemon balm
- Black Haw
- Blessed thistle
- Camomile
- Wild marjoram
- Red raspberry
- Wild strawberry
- Valerian
- Blue cohosh
- Dong quai

Another herbal treatment which is very much recomended would be evening primrose oil, most health stores and supermarkets stock this as it is a good all-round women's health suppliment. Evening primrose oil helps to regulate hormones meaning that it can help to prevent menstrual cramps as well as other menstrual problems such as PMS.

? Don't use tampons - prevention and cure.

Tampons are very bad for vaginal health in that they prevent normal vaginal cleaning, cause vaginal splitting and give bacteria the perfect place to multiply, as well as this commercial brands contain chemicals that can interfear with vaginal pH, bad vaginal health can lead to problems such as menstrual cramps. As well as this tampons expand that can increase bloating that contributes to menstrual pains, many brands will also expand lengthways into your cervix adding to cramping.
Information on tampon health issues from Spotsite -
Instead of using tampons switch to menstrual cups, as well as there other benifits over tampons menstrual cups are far safer than tampons and don't cause cramping - most women who switch from tampons to cups find menstrual cramps and menstrual flow reduce -
If you do wish to use tampons then use safer options such as organic cotton tampons Natracare or sponge tampons like Jade&Pearl as these are made out of natural materials and do not contain chemicals so better for vaginal health.
If you use pads then I'd suggest switching to organic cotton pads such as Natracare or Lunapads as although this will not help with menstrual cramps because they are natural and do not contain chemicals it means that they are far more comfortable so can make a huge difference for women with menstrual problems such as menstrual cramps.

? Diet - prevention.

Avoid salty foods and alcohol as these can increase boating by retaining water as well as making you feel sluggish that can make period pains worse, drinking a lot of water can help you avoid bloating as well as helps with migraines and headaches brought on by menstruation - adding lemon juice to the water will also help as this is a natural diuretic.
Eat a lot of greens this will help improve general health as well as give you a pick-me-up during menstruation, fruit such as banana and strawberry is good too.
Avoid foods such as dairy and caffeine as these can cause a lot of problems for people particularly during menstruation when they can increase menstrual cramps for a lot of people - soy is also one that you should avoid as this is notorious for causing menstrual pains.
It may be worth taking a food alergy test/food intolerance test because any foods causing problems with your body on the whole can in turn affect menstruation and your menstrual cycle - this can be expensive, but keep an eye out for some health stores that will from time to time offer free testing.
Increase your intake of magnesium, calcium, and potassium, also couple with zinc to help your body absorb these easier - these are all things needed by your body to help the uterus lining shed - also Omega 3 & 6, Multi B with high B6 and B13, vitamin E is also a good anti-inflammatory.

? Take up yoga - cure.

Yoga is a very good exercise tip because as well as being gentle exercise it also has stretching that can help even further, yoga poses that stretch the abdomen - like upward dog are of great help.
Breathing exercises are also part of yoga and good as a general idea to help with menstrual cramps, some people find this a little strange, that breathing is something we do naturally anyway, however we often get out of practice and taking the time to understand how your body moves as you breath and mental exercise can help calm you down.
Try the book 'Yoga for a health menstrual cycle' by Linda Sparrowe and Patricia Walden, or there are a lot of online information about yoga and menstrual cramps, for example this video with postures that would help you - - general stretching of your abdomen will help you a lot too.

? Take a bath - cure.

It's simple enough, a bath will help to relax you as well as give you some warmth that will help ease off your menstrual pains, taking a warm bath can also help increase menstruation or induce menstruation if you find yourself with menstrual cramps but a stubbon period that won't show itself.
Avoid things that can harm your vagina like bubble bath, instead try some nice plain bath salts and/or essential oils - I recomend lavender oil or try for some relaxation blends.

? Sex - cure.

During orgasm it is believed that a hormone which causes uterine contractions is released calls Oxytocin, which can help to push out menstrual material. The relaxation and improved circulation to the pelvic area after sex can also ease period pain. Although masturbation during menstruation can be messy there is no reason to avoid it, using a towel over your bed, having sex in the shower, or using softcups or soft tampons are all options for mess free during your period.

? Acupressure/acupuncture - prevention and cure.

Although it might be too expensive for you to go to a therapist for this you may want to get yourself a basic book on acupressure/acupuncture to teach yourself some basics to help with your cramps. The acupressure/acupuncture points that should be stimulated for menstrual cramps are: BL24 (Qihaishu), BL25 (Dachangshu), BL30 (Baihuanshu), BL31 (Shangliao), BL32 (Ciliao), BL34 (Xialiao), CV2 (Qugu), CV6 (Qihai), KI5 (Shuiquan), and KI6 (Zhao Hai). You can find the locations of these points here -

If you are experiencing bad menstrual cramps then it may be a serious problem, you could be looking at any number of problems such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or PID so it is best you see your doctor if none of the above methods for prevention and cure help you.

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