GIRLS ONLY. I'm almost 13 and I am scared my period will come soon. What is !

Question: *GIRLS ONLY, THANKS* I am turning 13 in a few months. My mum got her period when she was 14. My sister has hers and she's 16, and I am the youngest in the family. My sister is a big mouth, and I could never talk to her about it, nor my mother. I have no one to talk to. Yahoo! Answers is the only place I feel comfortable asking personal questions. Sometimes i cry because I am REALLY scared about getting my period. My sister woke up in the morning with blood between her legs when she was 14, will I have mine this way? When is it likely to arrive? I am dreading it, and some people say it's not that bad, other's say it absolutely sucks. I want to die, I don't want to get my period! I NEED SOMEBODY TO TALK TO!

Answers: *GIRLS ONLY, THANKS* I am turning 13 in a few months. My mum got her period when she was 14. My sister has hers and she's 16, and I am the youngest in the family. My sister is a big mouth, and I could never talk to her about it, nor my mother. I have no one to talk to. Yahoo! Answers is the only place I feel comfortable asking personal questions. Sometimes i cry because I am REALLY scared about getting my period. My sister woke up in the morning with blood between her legs when she was 14, will I have mine this way? When is it likely to arrive? I am dreading it, and some people say it's not that bad, other's say it absolutely sucks. I want to die, I don't want to get my period! I NEED SOMEBODY TO TALK TO!


It is understandable to be scared of periods because they involve blood.

Periods are uncomfortable because they make your breasts sore and cause cramping. However, for most people, these things are pretty mild and manageable. The reason most girls complain about them is because it is a pain in the butt to have to change pads and tampons all the time, but it's really not that hard.

You are likely to get your period about 18 months after you start having vaginal secretions and armpit hair.

It is possible that you will wake up with blood between your legs. If your period starts when you are asleep, not too much blood will come out because you are lying down.

Think about what you are scared of. Are you scared of the pain? The blood? Growing up? Assessing your fear may help you tackle it.

Try getting some books from your local library about puberty. The information might help calm your fears.

If you still want to talk to somebody, send me an e-mail (it's on my little answers profile thingy).

its not that bad.
you just have cramps n stuff.
don't worry so much cause its normal

Sweetie, don't be scared. It is a natural thing that just happens. It isn't too bad. Talk to your doctor or an adult you trust. Wanting to die because of a period is not a good thought. I was scared to talk to my mom too but now im glad I did. Remember, your mom was once your age and she has gone through the same stuff you have. Good Luck and let us know how you do.

it is not as bad as you think. Just relax, I know it can be scarey. I was 14 when I started my period...and trust me I was horrified all the time before I started it.. Don't waste time worrying about such a thing. There are pads and tampons are awesome, you can't even feel them. I know you are scared, but it really isn't that bad you will do fine. As to when you will start...that is all up to your body. Usually when you start to get hair down there that is a good sign. But that is not right for everyone. Just enjoy being your age right now and don't waste time on something so small.

Hi, you can talk with me, I'm the same way, in fact I just posted a question like yours. I'm really nervous and whats worse is my older sister hasn't gotten hers yet and I have signs that I might get it soon. I don't feel comfortable anywhere but here. my e-mail is if you want to talk.

PS. Thanks for the answer. I'm still open for talking on e-mail if you want

it's normal to dread a period... but it's really not so scary once it comes. just keep a pad or a tampon in your backpack, purse, and/or locker and you'll be set... and before you know it, periods won't be such a big deal. if your mother and sister both started at 14, then it's likely you will too. i would recommend talking to your mom or your sister, but if you feel you can't, i'm sure there are other women in your life as well. also, is a great resource. good luck!

Don't be scared, getting your period may sound scary but it really isn't. Granted, it may be a bit uncomfortable but it is completely manageable and it only lasts for about 3-7 days.

You may get it like your sister but who knows! I got mine at a sleep over party and didn't know it until the next day AFTER my basketball tryouts! Trust me, it's not scary and your mother and sister have gone through this as well so don't be afraid to talk to them about it!

If your really scared about it arriving here are some things to look out for so you can be somewhat prepared: heavy discharge or first time discharge, cramping feelings in your stomach, soreness, and moodiness.

Trust me, it doesn't suck so bad! There are much worse things that you have been through already! The first day of a period may be shocking but after that it's a cake walk. If it hurts take Mydol, which is for periods, and that will help.

Don't be afraid! You are becoming a woman, be proud! It will be just fine!

don't worry!!!!! you won't nessaceraly( don't know how 2 spell that) take after your mum, sister, auntie, whoever! depending on how your body works is when you'll get it. If you feel.......

*prone to acnene/breakouts
*back ache
you may have pms ( pre menstual sydrome) you can get it up to 3weeks before your period. If this still doesn't help you
( this is what i do) ask your mum to pick you up some tampons or pads so that when you get it, you won't be caught off guard. Also, try walking around for a day wearing a pad ( i did it and accidentally ran a mile with it (PE) but it got me use to the feeling.) also, look up the book " the care and keeping of you" it's by american girl. I have it and not only does it have advice from doctors, but from girls just like us! also, don't be afraid, Your mom and your sister are there for you! ask them questions! I posted a simalar question like this and got GREAT advice.

(ps. a hot water bottle( over tummy), bath, or shower helps with PMS) ( eat lots of veggies and stay away from salty foods, they'll make you feel even worse!)

well i got mine around your age. i got it during school and i didnt even notice.

i dont llike it, but it depends.

If there was one thing i could give up in life, it would be my period. But then, that would make a guy, and i love being a woman. SO DEAL WITH IT. WE ALL HAVE TO. yes, i get horrible cramps, yes, i get back aches, and yes, you feel disgusting having random blood coming from between your legs, but hey, that's life. and when it comes for the first time, it doesn't shoot out between your legs. it comes really lightly, you probably will only see a little brownish red residue on your underwear and think nothing of it. But that'll be it. don't worry.

Getting your period is NOT a huge deal at all. For me, I don't get cramps, I'm not in pain, and nothing is every really wrong, although it can be a pain. There is one huge upside to getting your period. If you didnt have it, you wouldn't be able to have children. Don't freak, and its not a huge deal.

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