GIRLS ONLY! Thanks!?!

Question: A question for my BFF...
And yes, obviously... It's about her PERIOD.
This is her 7th perod (She memorizes it because shes had one every month since October which was her start)
The last 2 periods she had, lasted 2 days. She feels bloated, a LOT.
She's trying to stay away from the doctors and trying to do something on her own for once.
Please help her out, I don't want to let her down! She's counting on me for some results! =]
Thanks so much!

Answers: A question for my BFF...
And yes, obviously... It's about her PERIOD.
This is her 7th perod (She memorizes it because shes had one every month since October which was her start)
The last 2 periods she had, lasted 2 days. She feels bloated, a LOT.
She's trying to stay away from the doctors and trying to do something on her own for once.
Please help her out, I don't want to let her down! She's counting on me for some results! =]
Thanks so much!

1. Drink herbal tea
2. Stay away from salty foods, caffeine, and lots of sugar
3. Take a Midol if it's really bad
4. Put a hot water bottle on your stomach
5. Continue keeping track of you cycles and symptoms. You may notice a pattern such as your periods get heavier if you're stressed (math tests, boy trouble, whatever) and lighter during sports tournaments.
6. Eat a lot of protein like meat, eggs, nuts, stringy fruits (apricots, eggplant, avacado)
7. Check to see if you've lost any weight, which may make periods light or irregular or symptoms worse
8. keep loose pants aside for during your period, because you may start feeling fat in regular pants, which leads to feeling depressed, which leads to eating a bag of lays, which leads to worse bloating. Keep this up and an eating disorder may develope!

Good luck to your friend!!!!!!

Bloating wise, I get very bloated too. But Midol is supposed to help with the bloatiness. Have your BFF tried that?

Ok ... she is young so her cycle may be off. But she should see her dr. if she feels like something is wrong.

Drink a lot of water, and have tea or coffee, and stay away from salty foods.

Well her period won't be regular for up to two years. And what she can do for bloating is try some medicine like midol or pamprin or even advil. You can buy those meds at shoppers near pads and tampons or near the condom section. And there isn't really anything wrong with going to the doctors that's what their there for is to help you.

Some people just are more naturally bloated during their periods, other times as well. Since she's young her cycle is still changing and may not be perfectly regular for a while. There's nothing wrong with 2 day, some people have shorter periods, or fewer, its all perfectly normal.

This is normal. I know that's not what you (er, she) wants to hear but it's true. Try taking an anti inflammatory such as ibuprofen, asprin, or naproxen. I take ibuprofen when I wake up everyday I'm on my period- helps cramps and bloating.
Tylenol is marketed as an anti-inflammatory but is not. Go to Target or wherever you go and get no name brand ibuprofen (or the others I listed) and it's really cheap-- under $5.
Good luck!

well obviously your friend is young, just starting an all, but abnormal pieriods are very normal at the start an for a few yrs at that. some times you can feel bloated, cramps, tired, all sorts of things. im sure its all normal, but if shes worried then have her talk to an adult or doctor.

hmmm maybe she should just go to the doctor and if her period is lasting only two days then she could be prego and tkae lots of midol for the bloatiness..but i think she should seriously go to the doc

She has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I have it and got it at age 13. I am 15 now. She is not too young. She needs to go to the doctor. It is serious and if she is not treated at an early age, she will not be able to get pregnant.

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