At what age do you stop GROWING? (Height)?!

Question: A lot of people say you stop growing once you get your first period n I totally disagree with that cause think about it, some girls get theirs at 9 n they definitely keep growing. Okay my story is that I was anorexic (i've never told this to anyone) but yeah i didn't realize i was back then. So i was anorexic from 12-14 n i wouldn't really eat anything n i lost hair n didn't get my period for a year cause i got reeeally skinny so yea my immune system was screwed. And now i'm 19 n I'm at a good height but do you think if i had been eating that I would've been taller now?

(I'm 5'5 feet tall)

Answers: A lot of people say you stop growing once you get your first period n I totally disagree with that cause think about it, some girls get theirs at 9 n they definitely keep growing. Okay my story is that I was anorexic (i've never told this to anyone) but yeah i didn't realize i was back then. So i was anorexic from 12-14 n i wouldn't really eat anything n i lost hair n didn't get my period for a year cause i got reeeally skinny so yea my immune system was screwed. And now i'm 19 n I'm at a good height but do you think if i had been eating that I would've been taller now?

(I'm 5'5 feet tall)

It depends.

Most girls stop growing by about the age of 18. Like every other human trait the age at which growth plates fuse follows the normal curve (or bell curve). When your growth plates fuse you are finished growing.

Some girls stop growing prior to menarche (The onset of menstruation), some stop shortly after it, and some keep growing for a long time after. One way to guess how much more a female will grow is to see how wide her hips are in comparison to adult females in her family. The closer she is to her adult female relatives in hip width the more likely it is that she is near the end of growing. This is however just a rule of thumb, and therefore often not completely accurate. It is also likely that her growth pattern will be similar the theirs, thus it might be wise to ask them what age they stopped growing.

If a no other information was available to help determine this, and a person really wanted or needed to know, a way of telling would be to look at X-RAY images of your bones to see if they are beginning to fuse yet or not.


between the age of 16-18 years old

you usually stop growing at the age of 18 but this can vary depending on your life style now...

you stop growing around the age of 19 when it comes to height. it varies for different people.

i reckon you probably would have been a bit taller, but 5'5" is a nice height

at 19 your probably not going to grow any more. I would check with your parents to see how tall they grew, and when they stopped. your aneroxia i suppose could have stunted you, but i doubt if you'll gain it back now.

The majority of conditions that stop the growth of the kids are regained when the condition is controlled. So, since as a girl you were suppose to grow 'till 18 and you stopped the anorexic stuff by 14, you probably are as high as you should be.


at 16 years old

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