Weird cravings - pregnant?!

Question: Weird cravings - pregnant!?
well ive been pregnat 4 lik 4 months and ive been craving some pretty wierd stuff, and not just food!. lik the other day i was at the mall and i saw this sweater and i just wanted to steal it!. and at the hallmark store i saw a birthday card that i thought would b great 4 my cousin!.!.!. but i didnt want 2 buy it- i wanted 2 steal it!. as far as food goes ive been craving insects!. any ideas!?Www@Answer-Health@Com


Craving bugs would fall under the term Pica - which is a term for craving non-food items!. It is occasionally seen in pregnant women and is often a sign of a deficiency; some people crave things like clay and laundry starch!. You should let your doctor know about this right away, and should not give into your urges!. As far as the compulsion to shoplift - that's not something common!. Could be due to the changes in your hormones, but that won't get you aquitted in a court of law if you get caught shoplifting!. This also is something that your doc should be made aware of!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please fight the urge to steal, there is nothing sadder than a pregnant woman in prison (I've never heard of this craving to steal are you making a joke :))!. As far as the insects go, I have heard that insects are a great source of protein!. However, I think that pregnant women should just stick with the fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats!. Perhaps you should talk about this with your doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, i used to have the same problem deb!. is it alrite if i call u deb!? im calling u deb!. so we should go , ya know, steel some hallmark cards together!. call me!

bye deb!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds as though you are a bit manic!. Call your doctor and tell them your concerns!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

um!.!.!.see a doctor!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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