Woman has anyone inserted an mirena iud inside of them?!

Question: Woman has anyone inserted an mirena iud inside of them!?
i have and i was just wondering it has been two months and i still didnt recieve my period is that normal!. iam concerned hope i am not pregant!. thanks in advanceWww@Answer-Health@Com

I have 6 children!. In between each one I had the IUD!. I never had periods while IUD was in place!. When we wanted to have another child I had it removed, waited about 3 months then started trying to get pg!. After baby was born I had IUD inserted again til next time!. I absolutly love the IUD!. No cramps, no period, no pregnancy, no having to remember to take a pill everyday!. It's like having your tubes tied except that it is easily removed if you decide to concieve!. So, it is perfectly normal to not have a period with the IUD inserted! Enjoy it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

"Menstrual periods become lighter, or, in about 20% of women, stop completely within one year of insertion!.[7] Irregular bleeding is common in the first few months after insertion, with the average user reporting 16 days of bleeding or spotting in the first month of use, but this diminishes to about four days at 12 months!.[23][24]"

THe wiki says something about the IUD can fall out!. It also says something about a string that your can feel to make sure the IUD is still in there!.

So!.!.!. I guess you feel around inside yourself and see if you find that string!. If the IUD is still there the lack of menstruation seems to be a fairly normal side effect!.

Also, the wiki says you should check for that string at least once per menstruation or, if you're not having periods, once per month!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hope fully it was placed in correctly!. My cousin had one that was misplaced and she went to the ER recently thinking she had a UT infection because she was leaking pee on herself (or so she thought) and she found out she was 41 weeks pregnant and it was her water bearking!. Shockin i know!. i mean how can you not know that your gettin ready to have a baby, but she had a normal period the whole time and never felt the baby move because she was in a transverse position!. She's a big girl so you couldnt tell it by looking at her either!. So i would keep a check on it closely!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not quite sure what a mirena iud is, but I have an iud, and rarely get a period!. If I do get one it is VERY light!.

If you are concerned, pick up a pregnancy test from Walmart, Kmart, whatever!. It is possible to have a tubal pregnancy, but it is rare!. I think my doc said something like one in 1,000 women with iuds end up with a pregnancy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have one!. Did you have your period prior to having it put in!? Or did you have it inserted shortly after giving birth and had not yet resumed having your period!. ARe you breast feeding!? Some more info would help, but a quick call to your doctor!.!.!.to make an appointment!.!.!.would be best!. The doctor can then test for pregnancy and make sure it is still in place properly!. By the way, this is my second one, I love it and will never use anything else!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, it's totally normal!. I went 6 months without getting a period!.
Just to let you know, the IUD can lead to cervical disease!.
I got diagnosed with Cervical Cancer with the IUD!. Just make sure you get regular paps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have a copper coil, and my periods carried on as normal, i suggest you take a test as being pregnant with a coil in can be dangerous!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That sounds pretty close to me!. I still barely get them!. I may use one tampon a month!.

The first few months though I had a lot of spotting!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes it was sensationalWww@Answer-Health@Com

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