Sex question - grown-ups only!?!

Question: Sex question - grown-ups only!!?
My boyfriend and I are in our mid-twenties; I was a virgin when we met, he was not!. When we have sex, we sometimes place my legs flat against his chest and over his shoulders while in the "missionary" position!. This produces a sensation that is sometimes uncomfortable and sometimes wonderful, but always extremely intense (even to the point of emotional) for me and we don't do it for long!.

He is convinced that this is how we can access my "g-spot" and wants to use this position more often so that I eventually can orgasm in this manner!. I have frequent and satisfying clitoral orgasms already, and am both intrigued by a vaginal orgasm and hesitant - because of the discomfort it can occasionally create for me!.

He says (when pressed by me, not willingly) that his previous partners have found this sensation very enjoyable and were best able to reach orgasm by way of it!. For this reason he is eager to introduce me to the vaginal orgasm!. Is he right that this is my g-spot, and am I "missing out" by not making use of it!? If so, how can we make the overall experience more enjoyable and consistent for me!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I find doggie-style to work better, actually!. I've tried the position you're talking about and I agree!.!.!. not terribly comfortable!. I've had the most luck reaching a vaginal orgasm with him on his knees, almost sitting on his feet, and me in his lap facing away!. Basically, doggie style!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Not to be rude!.!.!.but he is an ***! He should be listening to you when you say something is uncomfortable for you!. It doesn't matter how many women enjoy this, the only woman that matters at that moment is YOU!!! He likes the sensation because your cervix is hitting the top of his penis!. But it doesn't matter because it is uncomfortable for you!. Tell him to stop doing that!. You have tried and you don't enjoy it!. That should be enough for him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, your boyfriend is rude and arrogant to assume that because other woman have like this position, you will also!. I doubt that you are experiencing a "g spot" encounter!.

I suggest you try and find your g spot yourself first!. There is nothing wrong with exploring your own body!.

Some women do not orgasm vaginally!.

If your boyfriend persists, tell him IT HURTS!!! If he does not get it, move onWww@Answer-Health@Com

If it hurts you then dont do it!. He is being inconsiderate of you!. Maybe you need to find a man that respects your feelings!. Anyway!. The best way for me to have an orgasm is when I am on top cause I am in control and can control the motion of everythingWww@Answer-Health@Com

I have done this position and at times it really isnt the greatest feeling but if i am really into sex that time then it feels really good and I do orgasam and it has been so good that i was overcome with all emotions!. So i am not sure if you can get the g-spot from there!. But if he is pushing you to do something you arent comfy with tell him to back up and its to much, or you just dont like it!.

Try other positions or explore your body by yourself to see what feels best!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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