Doe Nair really work if not what does?!

Question: Doe Nair really work if not what does!?
That's because I want to start shaving pretty soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They're right!. Nair may work for some people, but not me!. I ended up losing a layer of skin when I left it on for less than the recommended time!.!.and it does smell bad and it didn't remove much, if any hair!. I think it depends on how sensitive your skin is and how thick your hairs are!.

I'd just stick with good old shaving!. Never fails!. If you have piles of cash lying around, laser treatments are the best, but can be a little painful and costly!. Permanent removal though (or so I've been told! ha)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Nope!.!. and I have suffered many a chemical burn from hair removal products like Nair!. Try waxing it keeps your legs really smooth and after a while of doing it, the hair doesn't grow back as fast and can even never grow back!.!. but honestly to me it's quicker and simpler to just shave!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no it doesn't!.!.!.and with nair it says you don't have to shave because it makes all the hair come off, but it actually doesn't and it sucks!. and im confused as to whether this question is about using nair or shaving because with nair you don't need to shave!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well im not sure about nair but i used veet once, it left a HUGE red rash down my legs, im not sure why so i just stoped using it!. anyways!. If i were you id just shave with a razor your first time with shaving gell then later on maybe try nair or wax!!.:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ya, it does!. Of course you could have a reaction to it and it might burn a little depending on how sensitive your skin is!. I would advise testing it a little first before actually using it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I heard from my friends that Nair doesn't work too well!.
It also smells extremely horrible!.
My friends say Veet works very well, and it smells a lot better too!.

Hope this helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

My mom said she used it before and it burned her realy bad!. So I use Veet Sensitive Formula and it works realy good!. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well when I used it there were small patches of hair that it failed to remove!.

Now, I used this about 2 years ago!.!.!.!.and I still have spots on my legs were hair does not grow!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i use a sally hansen spray thingy but theres also veet and other brands but nair doesnt work and it smells like doodie!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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