A really personal question!?!

Question: A really personal question!!?
Okay so i first got my period when i was about 12 and it was for one month and then it didn't come back for a couple more months and it has been going on and off ever since and i am now 16 so what is going on!? I will go to the doctor soon but i thought i would as here first!. HELP!!?! Also i am not sexually active so i am not pregnant!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

This is nothing you should be afraid of too much!. You are still young and there are many factors that make it irregular such as eating habits, how much you exercise, how much you sleep, and how much you eat!. Maybe you changed something listed above and therefore your period changed!. This is nothing to worry about!. As long as you haven't had sex, you should be fine! When you become a bit older, your cycle will be more scheduled!. I really don't think it's necessary to see a doctor, but that's your choice!. You can never be too safe!

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sometimes young girls have difficult period from first menstruation up to fully developed regular menstrual cycles!. It will take some time to fully develop your mature regular menstrual cycle!. Please be also informed that in general menstrual cycles are very sensitive to stress, emotional situations, infections, medication, etc!.
Just be patient!. Usually by 18-20 year the menstrual cycle will be fully development, your hormones will develop your own (personal) cycle and your menstrual cycle will be regular!.
Read everything about menstrual cycle including irregular periods and missed periods in http://www!.menstrual-cycle!.info
Be Healthy and Happy!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Some young girls can be irregular if they are too thin or exercise a lot!. Maybe it's the case with you!?
It's nature's way of not letting you conceive if you don't have enough body fat to have a healthy baby!.
The only way to know for sure what is going on is to see your Dr!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its normal, some people just dont have a regular period but go see the doctor anyway, There could be something wrong!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

With some females things like this are normal!. They will more than likely put you on birth control pills to just regulate your period!. No worries dear!Www@Answer-Health@Com

This is not unusual your period does not usually become very regular till maybe in you 20s i wouldnt worry about it at allWww@Answer-Health@Com

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