Are you not sick of answering these "could i be pregnant" questions?!

Question: Are you not sick of answering these "could i be pregnant" questions!?
These questions pop up everyday and I am sick of it!. I think if you are old enough and wise enough to be having sex then you should know how to protect yourself!. They just come on here and ask questions like they are not even bothered when really they probably are pregnant and are bringing a child into the world because they have been acting like Slu*ts!. Then they complain they are too "embarassed" to go the docs or chemist!

I am not a prude or anything of that sort I am 21 and I am sick of seeing all these girls coming on here asking the same thing like we are fortune tellers etc!?!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes! How hard is it to understand that if you've had sex, you could be pregnant!? For heaven's sake, take a pregnancy test and stop asking us!. We aren't psychic!Www@Answer-Health@Com

They probably just want reassurance, lol!.!. I understand it pops up a lot, but many of these girls who do ask are people who don't know any better and don't find the courage to ask someone close to them that they know!. It's just a first step to find encouragement from others to take the steps needed to actually go see a doctor!. :P

As for being sick of it, nope, not yet!. But then again, I've only been around here answering questions for like a week, heh!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, they are irritating!.

1!. If you have sex you can get pregnant!. No matter if you are using protection or where in your cycle you are!.
2!. The withdrawal before ejaculation doesn't work because of pre c u m!.
3!. NOTHING is 100% effective except for abstinence

Better yet, asking us "am I pregnant" is the silliest question of all, how the heck are we on YA supposed to know!?!!?!?!!?

Take a pregnancy test jeez!


I agree!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Same situation in the Men's Health section regarding penis size!.!.!.!."is it small"!.!.!.!."how do I make it bigger"!.!.!.!.!.!.

Damn people!.!.!.pick up a book and read for a change!.

Thanks for letting me vent in your section!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Im very sick of it! These people think we know if there pregnant or not! I dont understand why they cant just take a test!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am if they are pregnant and want advise that fine but don't ask us like we knowWww@Answer-Health@Com

NO KIDDING! my favorites are 'i know i can't get pregnant when my boyfriend pulls out, but could there be a chance!?'Www@Answer-Health@Com

True to some extent--people should find out how to properly protect themselves and not just guess it out!. But sometimes weird situations happen!. Ex: you start a new birth control and don't get the period for it on time and have no clue if this is normal or not!. Also, many people don't understand how birth control pills work and are a bit confused exactly what to do if they miss a dose!. Reading the info that comes with the pill and asking the doctor questions can help alot!. I generally advocate combining a birth control prescription with condoms, then no reason to worry about diseases, mess, or pregnancy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I see the same questions routinely asked in the several categories of: religion (too many to list), education (What GPA should I have for X university) mens health (member size/member size/member size and, oh, yes, member size), women's health (the color of their period/am I pregnant/boob size for their age/Am I pregnant) and the fact that there are over one half million questions and over eight million answers on these topics tells me:

Either the world's compendium of knowledge is now contained on Y!A on these topics

OR More has been written about these topics on Y!A than anywhere else in the world

OR People don't know how to use the "search for questions feature"

OR they just like to hear someone answer it and see their screen fill up with answers!.!.!.!.


people may read a question that EXACTLY describes their situation but don't find the information reliable enough so they have to ask it again with exactly the same details, receiving the exact same answers from anonymous users that they somehow find reliable (but who were unreliable when the answerers answered someone else on the exact same question) which tells me (as a psyche student) that there's something wrong upstairs with people who do that!.!.!.!.

Psychologically I would think either:
A) They aren't paying attention or
B) They are a bit narcisistic and despite having exactly the same circumstances it is different because it is happening to THEM (which is different in a way - but not different enough to justify asking it again in my mind)
C) They just want the reassurance of having someone answer THEM in a moment of anxiety!.!.!.!.!.and the interaction somehow reduces stress for them!.!.!.!.

However, their belief that someone on Y!A would know that question might be a reflection of their understanding of not only how this knowledge is obtained, but also reflective of their knowledge of how one gets pregnant!.!.!.like someone who is warned not to do something and then does it and says "I didn't think it would do THAAAT!" (Der!)

But the answer to the question is: I don't get sick of answering them because I don't - but I do think it's very sad!.!.!.no tragic that these young girls are even asking these questions and going through such anxiety!.!.!.!.it's not how pregnancy and the discovery of pregnancy is meant to be or should be!.!.!.it should be an exciting moment with assurances that they have a husband who will take care of them as they need it and they have prepared for the moment by having their lives in order!.!.!.!.not "whoops - HOLY BLEEP - I GOTTA GET MY LIFE IN ORDER! WHO WANTS TO TAKE CARE OF ME!!!!?" - so more than anything, I find it depressing!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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