Yeast infections. best way to prevent them and natural cures?!

Question: Yeast infections!. best way to prevent them and natural cures!?
does anyone have any good onesWww@Answer-Health@Com

Eat plenty of yogurt to prevent infection!.
Wear COTTON underwear for the liner not silk
If you go swimming try not to walk around for hours at a time in your wet trunks and this applies too when you have on your "wet" gym clothes take them off as moisture "down there" can cause a yeast infection!.
Do not use chemical deodorant or talc products on the vagina, as they can change the environment enough to allow yeast to flourish and grow!. Lastly, if you still have recurrent yeast infections, look at your diet and see if eliminating high carbohydrate foods, like white-sugar foods, will lessen the frequency of your infections!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Vinegar and multi vitamins,that's what my ex did!.Drink a shot of vinegar and chase it with juice or what ever you like,and eat good,also if you have no vitamins drink V-8 juice,the original V-8!.i forgot,avoid beer,cause it's full of yeast,and very high in cholesterol!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try not to wear tight underwear and thongs too often!. By wearing tight clothing your keeping air away from that area!. Yogurt works well!. Do not use douches because that only takes away a natural lining that can cause more infections!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know you said natural, but I have heard Acidophilus (sp!?) is a great thing for people that get yeast infections often!. Also, yogurt, for the same reason!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

*plain yogurt can be used internaly or externaly
*garlic or garlic tabs by Shaklee
*Apple cider Vineger
*oil of oraganoWww@Answer-Health@Com

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