Getting rid of cramps?!

Question: Getting rid of cramps!?
i have such bad cramps to the point that i cant move!. advil,midol,pamperin,ibuprofin,none of it works and i refuse to go on birth control because ill never ever risk not being able to have children!. Any ideas!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I feel your pain!. I have horrific cramps myself that take me out of commission for two days a month!. Here is what I do that has helped!. Track your period and start taking Ibuprofen two to three days prior to it coming Continue taking ibuprofen until it comes and take it regularly!. Also Tums helps!. Eat lots of fruit before it comes too that helps with bloating etc!. Apples bannanas Heating pads help too or a hot bath if you have a Whirlpool put the jet on your back!. Biggest thing is keep taking the ibuprofen don't wait till you start feeling the cramps be proactive!. If I wait until I feel the cramps the ibuprofen is not soo effective!. Also sleep sleep sleep if possible!. Also go to the doctor to make sure there isn't anything abnormal going on!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

One simple and cheap way to help with cramps (it's also the quickest, and the most convenient and natural) is having an orgasm by masturbating!. It doesn't work for *all* women, but it does help many!.!.!. and for some, it can get rid of cramps entirely for a while!.


"!.!.!. an orgasm can cause your uterus to contract, enabling it to use up excess prostaglandins in the process!. Prostagladins are hormones produced by your uterine lining!. They help to stimulate contractions that move menstrual blood out of the uterus, and are also responsible for those cramps that occur throughout your period!."


Keep your lower part of your stomach warm and drink lots of water!. Things high and calcium and a little protein also helps!. Eating bananas are an effective way of dealing with side cramps and try moderate excerise, I know it hurts but doing a little walking makes you feel a little better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i use 2 advil and 2 PMS pills (a brand you can get from dollar general)
i also take warm baths, use a heating pad on my stomach, stay warm, and get good sleep and eat good food, not chips all day lol, if you want chocolate go for it :) sometimes doing a few sit ups-even though they hurt like hell now- will make you feel beter in the long run

i hope you feel beter! Www@Answer-Health@Com

i know how you feel!. i'm layin on my bed with a heating pad on my back and another on my stomach!. try heat it usually helps me and it relaxes your muscles!. also try sleeping, the deep breathing that you do when you sleep also relaxes your muscles!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Bananas, taking a walk, a hot bath, relaxing!.!.if none of them work then maybe see a doctor about pain killers!. Good luck, hope you feel better!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

if your asthmatic you could be over using your inhaler/s!. just a thought as i have come across this myself Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try sleeping, heating pad, or drinking more water!. I hope that helps!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Drink somthing hotWww@Answer-Health@Com

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