Does having sex throw your period off track?!

Question: Does having sex throw your period off track!?
For the last weeks Ive had migraines that come and go, sharp but quick only last about 5 - 7 minutes !. !. !.
first day of last period was august 6th, and i havent had a period since then, when i have sex my period dissappears and reappers i went all 2 months a while back with out having sex and period was normal but when i have sex it gets off track!.!.!.!. why does that happen!? Migraines could be a sign of pregnancy!?!?!?

ive also had some discharge, sometimes clear and sometimes a lil bit white ( sorry tmi)Www@Answer-Health@Com

It might be cause your worrying about it!. If you keep thinking about it your period wont come!. I missed my period for 2 weeks and i was freaking about it!. but it finally got back to normal!. but i also heard it can throw it off a few days!.
If your pregnant, then this doesn't help really!.

Good luck :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

There is absolutely nothing wrong w/ have sex during your period! I think your issue is stress related!. Having sex & your cycle being off is just a coincidence!. Migraines can be brought on by stress, caffeine, etc!. You should consult a physician about your migraines ASAP!. It is not a precursor to pregnancy!.

I find that having sex during your period:
Speeds up the cycle!.
Less cramps!.
Sometimes it's better sex (risk pregnancy doesn't factor in either way for me!.!.!.so; it's not that I'm more relaxed as some guy stated)!.

I don't know why some many say it

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