GIRLS-Can having entercorse make you feel like this?!

Question: GIRLS-Can having entercorse make you feel like this!?
make your pelvic hurt!.!. like i feel like im cramping from my period!.!.!.!. but IM NOT!.!.!. I had my period almost 2 weeks ago!.!.!. and no im not on bc!.!.!. so it cant be a side effect from my bc Www@Answer-Health@Com

i sometimes have this pain if my cervix is repeatedly hit during sex!. it sounds wierd but when he goes to deep and hits my cervix it makes my cervix spasm and it feels like cramps!. i just take a hot bath and then take some ibuprofen!. I hope that helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

me pers0nally i think intercourse c0uld/can make y0u feel like like y0u have a cramp!.fr0m pers0nal experience!.maybe it was t00 biq 0r y0u t00 young or little or possible he went t00 deep!.&&STD&infection or disease is n0t always a issue because i slightly had this problem before&i got a check-up&i had n0 infecti0n,STD n0r disease!.so um yea i w0uld say it could/can make y0u feel this way n0t doubting the infecti0n/disease etc!. thing but go get a check-up just to be on the safe side because not every female body is the same!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It kinda makes me feel like that as well sometimes, and I will have cramping in my legs as well like charly horses that wont go away!. and I dont have a STD for certain!.!. but i dont always feel like that but it does happen to me to its more like burning in the pelvic at least mine isWww@Answer-Health@Com

no, sex does not make you feel like that!.!.!. if it is still giving you trouble after a week, you need to get tested for a sexually transmitted disease and maybe some sort of UTI!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

it wouldn't hurt to visit your doctor!.

it could be a disease, so it's probably not best to sleep with anyone until you've checked with your doctor!.

hope it goes well!. xWww@Answer-Health@Com

I always say whens there's pain go get it checked!. Unless your on your period!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's not normal!. Could be symptoms of an STD!. If doesn't go away soon, go to the doctor or clinic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to a doctor right away!. it could be an STI and if left untreat can cause PID which can lead to infertilityWww@Answer-Health@Com

no intercourse does not make you feel like that go to a DRWww@Answer-Health@Com

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