Is it possible that I could be menstruating through my nose?!

Question: Is it possible that I could be menstruating through my nose?
It is getting close to what should be my time of the month.
Last night, I saw a little blood, so I put on a pad.
The next day, I noticed that the pad was empty.
I felt the need to blow my nose because it was stuffy.
I blew my nose and I noticed blood all over the tissue.
There was a little mucus, but it was mainly blood.
Then I felt something in my throat, so I coughed it up into the tissue.
It was more blood.
Seriously, am I menstruating through my nose?
Is that possible?


Not at all. Periods shed the lining of your uterus/womb. It builds up over about a month and sheds to build up again.. any nosebleeds wont be related to the lining of ur uterus.. but the blood vessels in your nose/ sinus area

absolutely not. when menstraution occurs, it is the shedding of the lining of your uterus. your uterus is nowhere near your nose, it's just a coincedence that they happened so close together.

no- the period blood comes from the Unused lining of your uterus- different blood

LOL omg

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