Can someone help me wrap my mind around rape?!

Question: Can someone help me wrap my mind around rape?
I'm having so much trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of rape. I know lots of bad things happen in this world, but it's so hard for me to understand how anyone could do anything that sick. Are rapists usually people who are already criminals? Or are they more often people who are generally seen as trustworthy or at least not terrible people in society? Is it usually a family member? A boyfriend? A stranger? When I look at people in my life I couldn't imagine anyone being able to do something so sick.

Any help please? thanks.


There is a wide variety of types of rapists. They could be some obviously evil criminal bastard, or they could be the guy next door who seems like he's really nice. And rape isn't about sex--it's an act of violence in which the weapon is sex. The "nice" guys have in common the trait of feeling entitled, of not caring about the other person, or of being unable to comprehend that another person has feelings that are independent or different from one's own. They might have a sexist attitude that if a woman inspires in him sexual feelings, then it's her fault whatever he does to her.

Experts on rape divide rapists into 4 groups. You can read more about it here:…

To be totally honest, it could be anyone. There's not really a "usually" with rapists, though obviously they are people who usually have a mental disorder already-- you'd almost have to, to commit such a crime. It's a terrible thing. It can occur with random strangers, or it can occur at home-- my mother, for example, was raped by my father numerous times. It's a tough concept to deal with.

I should also add that it is NOT only men who commit rape. Women do it too, although far more rarely.

Yeah, i know what you mean and i hate to say it but most rapists rape people in their family or that are close to them. From studies they have learned that these people are generally very sick in the mind and dont think straight. a lot of them try to get close to people so that they trust them and then take advantage of them so even if u think u lnow someone be careful if they do anything suspicious. it's a sick world, i know.

Some have more of an animal instinct and lose complete control?

The crazies - I believe - are those that rape small girls and boys.

A few other Countries do not just give them the death penalty - they actually put them to death.

In the U.S.A - dozens are released each day, who are supposedly treated and deemed cured, and commit the same crime over and over?

All crime laws - are controlled by Defense lawyers. It's - ALL ABOUT MONEY - FOR THEM.

Men, are sometimes sick in the head....and think the only way a girl will give them any is through force, aka, rape. this has happened from several men within a girls life, bf, dad, brother, babysitter, its a terrible joke;*( no body should ever go through this time of trauma....oh and ONCE A RAPIST, ALWAYS A RAPIST...people dont just change....scary!

He/ she are sick mental probably.
he/she was not loved as a child.
Like I said their ether sick or raged with anger or something.

Rape is a vile act. It's hard to wrap your mind around anything so horrible.

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