Is there an unselfish reason to have an abortion?!

Question: Is there an unselfish reason to have an abortion?
I'm limiting this exclusively to abortions that aren't after rape or incest, and aren't a threat to either mother or faetus.

I know how people are going to approach this question - with angry faces, almost certainly - but hear me out. I think of every reason I have heard for a woman getting an abortion, and all of them, while good, reasonable reasons, relied on the well-being of the mother. Now obviously when I say selfish reasons, I don't necessarily mean things like a woman getting an abortion to preserve her figure - though I've heard that one. I mean things more like being unable to complete one's education, maintain the life one is living, things like that. For the mother's life, these are important things, and I understand why she would want to maintain them, but they are also inherently selfish reasons.

So then. Is there an unselfish reason - meaning a reason that does not involve the mother's needs and wants in any way - to have an abortion?

Final note. Please be civil. I'm not intending to start a flame war.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

If you were Christian and believed aborted babies get a free ticket to heaven, it would be very selfish to force the child to grow up in a corrupt world and risk being seduced by Satan and going to hell just so you can have the experience of being a parent. o_0

If the baby is not going to live a good life anyway - for example, if the mother planned to abandon the child somewhere or torture it or whatever. In that case it might be kinder to have an abortion.

But no-one should ever have an abortion! The reason I gave is the only one I can think of, and it may not be selfish, but it is cruel. Anyone who has an abortion is being heartless, and abortions are never justified. It is like another form of murder.

well the kid may not be able to have a good life because as the mother wouldnt get a good education and things like that the childs condition of living may be poorer and possibly so poor itd not be able to succeed as well as it could. Depends on who the parents are and if theyre going to give it a good life because a baby born into a hostile or poverty stricken environment will no be good for it.

This is not really an answer to your question, but can I just say that not EVERY single teenage girl is off getting pregnant!! "I don't understand why all those teenagers can't just use contraception". I mean, seriously? Am i pregnant? No. Have i had sex? No. i'm 16.
Grow up and stop stereotyping everyone....

Abortion is the mothers decision. It can be for whatever reason you want, and abortions aren't "selfish". If people don't like abortion, then don't get one and shut the hell up... seriously. It's a persons decision, not everyone else's.

I don't agree in abortion at all, but why cant all these teenage girls use contraception!! theres enough of it.

But i think abortion is accepted in cases where the child wont be brought up to a good life, safe home and parents with a stable financial situation.

To me there is no reason that is not selfish. If you do not want the baby because you don't think you can give it the life it deserves or what not, then there are plenty of people out there that can. There are so many couples that are physically unable to have children and are looking to adopt. As far as the Mother having physical issues such as being underweight or too young, God enabled you to get pregnant for a reason. It was his plan to allow the Mother to become pregnant. Who is the Mother to question God's plan?

If you don't want to have a baby, don't have sex. If you can't deal without sex, use protection. There are numerous methods of contraception out there.

Abortion is murder. Simple as that.

To an extent there are good reasons for an abortion, for example, i would probably have to get an abortion because im 15, 5''1 and 85lbs, i still got a lot of growing to do, and id rather get an abortion than have a baby and have it have a disabilty , and if your really young like 14 years old and you have your whole life planned and you cant have a baby distracting you. but overall , only if your not big enough to safely carry a baby without complications do i think its okay to get an abortion, like when you said you heard of one, just to keep a good figure, thats effed up honestly. in my opinion abortion is murder, if you are pregnant and dont want a kid or cant take care of one, give birth to it, and give it up for adoption, to someone who can take care of it. I really dislike abortions. because you're killing an innocent baby on your mistakes .

Well, i believe that a baby is a gift and it should have everything, and if a woman doesnt want it, or cant give it what it needs then it is kinder to not have it, why bring a child into a life of poverty or neglect? People say that abortion is murder, but what about all of the starving children in africa? Would it have been ok for them to be aborted? If it was to save them their pain.Also, if you abort at an early stage then the foetus is just that, a foetus and not a baby. We kill colds and viruses inside our body, they are growing cells, so what is the difference? Why is wanting to have a life suddenly selfish? A woman is simply a mothers baby all grown up, so why should that grown up baby's needs suddenly be non important just because it is grown? I dont think woman should be judged so heavily for choosing abortion, simply because so many people who did have the best situation to grow up in dont see how poor children suffer, they dont know what it is like to want things and be told no, you cant have that, we cant afford it. I think these anti abortion activists arent thinking about the full picture. Why bring another unwanted child into the world? Do you honestly think that is fair for the child?
I think that it is unfair to blame women who have abortions, because why should their lifes be ruined from a simple mistake? Why should their needs, wants and dreams be suddenly non important. I strongly believe that each woman has a choice, and for an anti-abortion group to take that womans rights away is absolutely not in their rights. What gives them the power, or the right to play god with that womans life?

yes. knowing that no matter how much you want that baby, the life you'd give it would be horrible and miserable, and they would be filled with suffering. I think that trying to save a life that would otherwise be full of pain and suffering is noble.

children knowingly born with diseases that cause them daily pain and suffering live very very very hard lives, and it's hard on everyone around them because there is little we can do to ease their pain.

I've known many women who've chosen to not have their child, because if they did, that child would have died young after only living a few years of pain and suffering.

Other women who know they'd have to give their child up for adoption, causing their child to grow up feeling un-loved and un-wanted, living a painful and un-necessarily hard life, and many end up committing suicide.

I think, if you know that's the fate of your unborn child, then it's noble to try and save them from that, because it will always hurt the mother, and the mother will live with that pain every day, but they may be able to save their child from all the un-necessary pain of living a life like that. That's not selfish- that's taking the pain for your child.

~my opinion~

One reason for an unselfish abortion would be that the baby would have been born with a disease or condition that would make it impossible for the child to live a full life or even a life past a few years of age. A seriously deformed or mutated baby wouldn't have a good life no matter what kind of care the parents could provide, and it would make more sense in these cases to abort the baby, instead of being selfish and keeping it and letting it have a miserable life.

Anyone who says abortion is only selfish is obviously very naive. Abortion is not an easy choice for many of the women who make it, and they take everything into consideration for their decision. It's not only the idiot teenagers who don't use birth control that get abortions. First of all, birth control isn't even 100% protection against pregnancy, and secondly, there are plenty of women who are already married or who have kids yet who may decide that an abortion is the best decision for themselves based on their circumstances. Is abortion murder? Maybe, I will admit that is the only aspect of the pro-life argument I find legitimate, but if you think abortion is murder, then don't get one. But ultimately, that's a decision for the woman to make; not anyone else and certainly not a law's decision.

In my opinion no one should have an abortion. There are far too many people around the world, unable to conceive or have children who would leap at the chance of adopting a baby. Its heartbreaking to see all these uneducated failures who will never achieve anything and are stupid enough to have unprotected sex in the first place.

In my opinion, no, there is no reason which would not be 'unselfish' because in anycase they could at least carry and give birth to the child they created and know that it would go to a family without a child and were it would have a nice up bringing. The woman is depriving a family of this child, thanks to her selfish actions.

That aborted child could grow up to be a doctor, or a teacher, a nurse or simply even, a mother. The world is deprived of this person because of their selfish actions.

Im only fourteen and I may seem too immature or childish to have such strong opinions but my mother has had to go through series of IVF treatments and has had several miscarriages, one at 8 months pregnant. Its disgusting and the pain I saw her go through was unbearable, knowing I could do so little to help her but be by her side, and let her know shed always have me.

Isobel XXX

I think there definitely is.

Lets say teen pregnancies- getting pregnant at a young age when you are still in highschool and under your parents care you are very unlikely to be able to provide for a child. Especially financially. Its very rare that a teenager has the financial means to provide for a child. By not being able to provide for a child, you are bringing a child into this world who isn't going to have quality life.

I think that goes for almost anyone who isn't going to be able to provide a child quality life. Why would you want to bring someone into the world who is obviously going to have it kind of rough?

I don't believe that abortion should be used as birth control, but I do believe in women having choice.

I also think its alright to have somewhat of a selfish abortion, because if you do not want to have a baby and you do- I dont think bringing a baby into the world that you "dont necessairty want" is a good idea...

thats my thoughts on it,


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