Can I still go swimming..?!

Question: Can I still go swimming..?
I got my period but i still want to go swimming. If i wear a panty liner, will i be okay to go in the pool for an hour or so?


You can go swimming - but you need to wear a tampon.

yeahh you cant wear a pad or anything for swimming because it would fill up with water. You can wear a tampon. Although my friend gets made to do swimming by her mum not wearing any tampon when she is on her period because your period stops under water but i wouldnt recomend you do that because if you are out the pool for a bit it may start again


You need to wear a tampon. A panty liner or pad can only absorb so much water. Also if it absorbs the water, it wont absorb the blood and then it would diffuse all around the pool. And that would be really really embarrassing and defiantly unhygienic.

Me :)

Yes, you can go swimming, but you don't want to wear a panty liner unless you want to let the world know you have your period. As soon as you get out of the pool, water and blood will run down your legs. The best thing to do is use a tampon.

Goodness no! You can't wear a pantyliner in the pool. It will fall apart and you will be embarrassed. They make tampons that are "lite"
Very small and thin.
Use those if your flow is light. If your flow is heavy, use regular or super sized tampons.

ya i guss you can but why risk it and youll have this giant lump in your down there just use a tampon and if you dont know how to insert one then look it up or ask! good luck dont use a pad

tampon, is the only way, panty liners or pads can come out of a swimsuit, it is safest to use a tampon, so you don't leave a trail, or pads, or blood.

You need to wear a tampon. A panty liner or pad can only absorb so muh water. Plus, it will lose it's sticky-ness due to the water

You can if you are sure that the blood wont contamimate the swimnming pool

No! Wear a tampon, how disgusting.

Its definately ok to swim, i wouldnt wear the pantyliner (what if it slips out??)...try a tampon

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