Is douching unhealthy?!

Question: Is douching unhealthy?
If douching is unhealthy, then why would they even need to make douche bags?


Yes douching is unhealthy, the vagina is self-cleaning, it's cleaner than your mouth as a result so nothing else is needed, but douching effects that so risks health.

Douching effects vaginal pH which allows growth of harmful bacteria and yeast within the vagina so higher risk of vaginal infections. Vaginal walls are mucosa which is like skin but without the top protective layer so delicate, discharge protects those vaginal walls, douching flushes away this discharge so leaves vaginal walls exposed so prone to damage, increasing STD risks. Douching can also force harmful bacteria further into the vagina, which can lead to PID.

Douching is one of many things still made, despite being unhealthy, because of outdated ideas about female hygiene - it's like feminine washes/wipes or tampons today today, these products are made to make money out of women by telling them that their vagina's were dirty so needed these products to stay 'fresh', despite their being unhealthy. Some women still use them today to administer treatment for yeast infections without realising the harm they can do. Also douching one of the few options women had to try to prevent unwanted pregnancy too.

Some adverts for early douches are just freaky to us today, but back then it was believed, take this advert for example; - basically it was said if you didn't douche you were dirty and would lose your husband...these sort of ideas and taboos take a long time to go away, it takes time for things to change and to educate people.

They generally put vinegar in douches and they should only be used once a month. If you douche more than that you could cause damage to the lining.…

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Yes, douching is bad. It can cause Bacterial Vaginosis. The vagina naturally cleanses itself. It shouldn't be washed with strong soaps, either. Douching is bad.

Smoking is unhealthy yet they still sell cigarettes. They sell douches because they can make money selling them by pandering to women's insecurities about feminine hygiene.

Douching remopves essential bacteria. So you should never do it.

yes, it is unhealthy.

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