should i be scared to ask my mom to buy me more pads for my period even though i!

Question: Should i be scared to ask my mom to buy me more pads for my period even though i just statred 3 days ago?
i change so often?


no, she will understand ,it happens to all girls , and its good to have extra pads ,you never know when you will need them or how often you'll need them =)

Of course not! Just ask her, what are you gonna do without pads? I used to change mine very often too. Because it felt like I bled a lot and I felt like I needed to change it, but when I checked there wasn't much blood, but I changed the pad anyway. So try not changing them too many times a day. If you bleed a lot, ask your mom for different pads. You can even wear those overnight pads during the day if you're scared that you might leak through.

No you shouldnt be, she is your mom and periods are normal and women are different, a normal period can range from 3-7 days, and a part of life. its better then not having any pads

Why would you be scared to ask for more? What is your alternative plan? To bleed all over all the furniture? She'll probably just ask you to stop changing them so frequently when you don't need to do so.

No, you should not be scared, she needs to know these things. She might also suggest that you change them less often. You might be over doing it.

No! Just tell her you need more. What does she expect you to do?? Maybe try getting thicker/overnight ones! I change mine alot too cause it just feels gross even if it's not even that full.

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