Pap Test..?? please help.?!

Question: Pap Test..?? please help.?
Do you get symptoms if your cell changes in the cervix??? or does everyone need to get a pap test to know??? And if the cell has changed what does that mean like what happens??

Please help I don't know.


we all need to go on a pap test every year. Especially if you are sexually active.

No, if your cells change you won't be able to feel anything. Actually when women start feeling something then it's too late. That's why it's important to go for a test EVERY YEAR.

If the cells start to grow wildly it means that you could develop cancer. But if you find out when they've just started to change, then with medicine and an easy treatment they can go "back on track".

Don't be afraid, it's just a test and we've all gone through it. It's better to do it on time ok?

good luck

I've had that test every year; last year it showed some weird stuff, so the Dr adviced me to take some vitamins, antioxidants and a vaccine against HPV.. and now I'm fine & healthy again.

There are no symptoms from having abnormal cells on your cervix. You should get a pap every single year. It is especially important these days since we know the HPV virus can eventually cause cervical cancer if left untreated.

If you have a pap smear and it shows abnormal cells, then they will do a biopsy of your cervix. This does not hurt at all - you can feel a tiny little pinch, if even that. The biopsy will tell them what stage the abnormal cells are at, and then they will discuss treatment. Either watch them to see if they clear on their own, freeze the area of abnormal cells, or do a partial hysterectomy. There may be other treatment options now too - I've just never had another abnormal pap since my hysto.

You are most likely fine and will have a normal pap smear, but it is important to get them every year.

Had partial hysto 18 years ago due to abnormal cells on cervix.... that kept returning - they didn't do a hysto just because I had an abnormal pap.

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