How Did you get " thinspo skinny?" ( or bone skinny )?!

Question: How Did you get " thinspo skinny?" ( or bone skinny )?
I'm so confused about it, there's like 2 ways I have seen people.
I have a friend that can eat whatever she wants and is super small. like hip bones show, and a size 00 Is loose on her.

Or a few days ago, I was eating with some people.. and noticed a real skinny gir,l with a huge plate of food that hardly touched it. but they both look so good.

The question I have is, which did you do?
and if you hardly eat, wont you go into starvation mode? or is that a myth?

should I try eating tons one week to see how it goes?

or try hardly eating?

I am at a normal size, and gain weight in my lower body.
but with all the different things I am doing I can see/ feel myself getting more curves.
That's not what I want, I like the hip bones showing and small boney knees.

and I'm 5'7" so I would look really slender if I lost the stuff I don't need.

If your tall, And small, comment! leave me some clues on how you deal with cravings.

1 hella skinny. Goal
2 Normal weight.Me

(And I am not up for throwing up)


I am just the person you need to talk to. When I was 16, I was overweight. After a terrible breakup with a boyfriend I wanted revenge on, I decided it was time to lose weight. Over the next several years I dropped from 150 pounds to 118 pounds. And I learned a lot along the way. I first of all learned that at 5' 7" (I am 5' 8") you will not become a 00 no matter how hard you try. You will die before you get that small. Your bones are bigger because you are taller and there is no way you'll get those hips in a 00. Settle for a size 3. Secondly, I learned you cannot starve yourself. In fact you cannot even eat too little. Both will hinder your weight loss and seriously damage your body (while I did not do it long enough to do any huge damage at did make my hair nail and skin look like crap). Eating anything below what is required (1200 calories for a woman) will actually slow the body's natural metabolism that it has doing simply things like digesting. You'd be surprised how many calories a day you burn just sitting around (I burn about 1600) and that drastically decreases if you eat too little because your body is attempting to store fat. To make matters worse, when your body thinks it is starving, you actually get fatter. Sure you lose weight, but it's not fat you are losing, but the sexy muscles underneath. No sexy abs for you if you starve. And muscles eve help with weight loss because each pound of muscle you have burns an extra 50 calories a day (just sitting around).

So, when I finally figured out how to properly diet, I lost 32 pounds and I felt awesome. How did I do it? Simple, eat healthy and exercise. Do muscle training and go run. Don't eat sweets. No sugar no soda no cake no fast food. Don't eat anything with too much sugar, too much saturated far, or anything with transfat in it. And you have to be patient.

Don't get too thin because that can do some pretty terrible things to your body. But if you aim for the minimum healthy weight for your height (about 118 pounds...give or take a pound) you'll be fine and get the look you want.

PS: Some women can eat a lot because they are young and might be still growing thus they have high metabolisms. If you are not already that look you want chances are you are not one of those people and you need to eat healthy.

If you want to lose weight that's cool
but do it the healthy way !

Eat healthy and smaller portions
Drink lots of water
And do cardio exercise 30 mins everyday.

Yes, it might take longer to reach your goal
but atleast you won't be seriously harming your health this way! You won't feel dizzy, weak, sick and moody all the time, plus you're more likely to keep the weight off if you lose it the healthy way.

Look up a bmi calculator online and figure out a weight that will be healthy and that you will be happy with.

And remember, if you lose too much weight your boobs will get smaller (something to consider). plus it wreaks havoc on your skin and hair, your periods and your overall health.

And anyway.. Guys like girls with a bit of meat on their bones :P
If you're gonna do it please do it the right way !

Umm.. that's an eating disorder.
What's with girls these days not liking curves? That's what makes a woman beautiful. Women aren't supposed to be just bone. We carry children, we need the extra weight. It's not natural for your hip bones to stick out. Unless your like those girls that you were talking about that can eat whatever she wants and not gain a pound. That's their metabolism.
It really pisses me off reading stuff like this from girls. Have fun with the starving feeling all day long and the health problems down the road when you weigh 58 pounds because you think your fat.

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