Girls how did you get your first period?!

Question: Girls how did you get your first period?
I just wanna know i have mine but i would just like to know how other people got theirs


Well, I was 14 and 5 months. I'd been waiting for my period for AGES and all my friends had theirs. I already had some pads at home just in case but had used almost half of them by just trying them on because I was so excited, LOL. I had pantyliner's for discharge but only used them on PE days in school and luckily this was a PE day.
I thought I felt a little bit wet so went to the bathroom in the changing rooms and there was this tiny circle of brown on my pantyliner. I knew it was my period and because I'd read about first periods but my pantyliner was one of the really thin ones so I thought it might not be able to cope so I put some tissue on top and then went and did PE.
Luckily I didn't leak or anything because it was so light and my whole first period was really light like that.

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