Spotting, Cramps, Fatigue.Not Sure What Is Going On?!

Question: Spotting, Cramps, Fatigue.Not Sure What Is Going On?
(Sorry if this is long but I need an accurate answer) I am 18 years old, will soon be 19 in August. I went to my doctor around the beginning of March 1st. I was told that I needed to be referred to a Gynecologist because it seemed as if I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Prior to my follow-up doctors appointment I was in the emergency room and was diagnosed with abnormal migraines, & was to be taken off of my birth control pills and blood pressure medication immediately..

I have been in a relationship for 3 years and just recently started having unprotected sex with my partner....
My periods had started becoming abnormal at (I would say) the beginning of last year.. I usually skip a month once in a while. They can take place either on the 15th of the month or the 1st of the month..I have not had a period since February. March 15th came and went, April 1st period.. BUT April 2nd, 3rd, and today I have had these really light cramps either on the side of my stomach or my lower stomach, fatigue (been napping at least 1 or 2 times a day including the 8+ hours of sleep I get at night), random nausea that comes and goes ( my father made his regular fish dinner the other night and I got so nauseated by the smell that I had to step outside ) & usually this would not bother me at all. On top of the light cramps, fatigue and nausea, I have been spotting this super light brown discharge (Only when I wipe) it is not enough to seep through onto my underwear or liner. This spotting is very similar to what happens the last few days of my regular period..just lighter. I am so confused by this, my insurance has just run out so I cannot afford a trip to my family doctor.. I have read forum after forum of this same question asked and all I find is:
1) A sign of miscarriage &
2) What happens when implantation of the egg takes place at the beginning of pregnancy.

Can I get some opinions? It would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!! :)


Hi! I am around the same age as you (20), and had the same symptoms at you. My periods were always regular and than Feburary came and went with no period, as well as none in March. However, I had light pink discharge the day of when I was supposed to start my period in Feb. I went into Planned Parenthood (because its free for pregnancy testing if you are a patient there, and maybe around 20 if you are not..but its free to sign up so you can if you wish to.) I found out I was pregnant, they estimated around 5 1/2 weeks. I have been very tired since missing my periods and have severe naseas most mornings when I wake up..mostly if I wake up early for work..if I get more sleep its better. My sense of smell has been heightened so a lot of smells that used to not bother me I feel like I am going to get sick now. I also feel hungry all the I need to snack all day. My advice to you is take a home pregnancy test (which I originally got a positvie on) or go into the doctor and get one there. Home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate especially later on into the pregnancy cuz your hormone levels will be high and the test will detect them. I passed the home and Planned parenthood tests. I have a real doctors appointment for my first prenatal care checkup this month, but if you find out you are pregnant, start taking your prenatal vitamins right away!

Hope I helped out!

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